From: noer AT cygnus DOT com (Geoffrey Noer) Subject: More info on the freezing problem 13 May 1998 17:49:19 -0700 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text To: cygwin32-developers AT cygnus DOT com Cc: noer AT cygnus DOT com (Geoffrey Noer) Running bash in two windows in NT with CYGWIN32 set to "tty": In bash shell #1, export STRACE=1,foobarbaz. Then type ls -l and then rapid control-Cs to freeze. In bash shell #2, tail -f foobarbaz. Control-Cs to the hung process still do something if you watch the strace output -- at the freeze, the strace output is hung on wait_sig. The additional control-Cs make it go through proc_subproc stuff and then it returns to blocking on wait_sig... Other times when I don't hit control-C at that particular time, it'll hang for a few seconds on do_exit calling ExitProcess and then finish being interrupted successfully. I can't seem to control-C fast enough to cause the bug when tty is not set but I think it's there too. -- Geoffrey Noer noer AT cygnus DOT com