X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 sourceware.org 74C693857C4F DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=cygwin.com; s=default; t=1647347258; bh=IpjjgWDGQknJSJsGe7nZ6wmRFCVxILR/O8K83+nOO7M=; h=To:Subject:Date:List-Id:List-Unsubscribe:List-Archive:List-Post: List-Help:List-Subscribe:From:Reply-To:From; b=opwwW2NqNJhn+DQPuneNcxpgDzltx87s5wlXX4Gc1/Ljg4Vpm6mY/o9yHo9itikds gOO8ySfN0JpttAJDjrrKxy9EqBH2toTsV6E6rcljrxVtGnv0M8ye+/WrcbYg74bUqi miuF03Iu87AToaGQp+vdnWK2A+x+IBsZ/U2G9OYs= X-Original-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.1 sourceware.org 862073858D20 X-SONIC-DKIM-SIGN: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yahoo.com; s=s2048; t=1647347225; bh=GdM4LxYQNPam/noBvTHYgQG2GSWbmCO9nDRIhO87YU4=; h=X-Sonic-MF:To:From:Subject:Date:From:Subject; b=g/NTqYEsrHBmLb4DwhUL0EJrgQ+9/FW+wbhODU+bwTc1CbZsRQo2q4HV2ILZb+FOkdoiNKK+ViCqC3KGWt95M/vcSJz92wVoRKSSAZYBImQjFRF6OybGcDSONhBmVSE/h9svOE9eSkNQ1ct2ZORLtBcinAP/8/HxPPZ3Pgr5d0ClwTWI7N6mlV+PRaK0XeqVPRRS9wAfNW3uwLxJKzidr/g8cye1onKV9eDC/J6J6+Zu02mE416Os4ooz6/XGCGdwOcV3aOEeT/A4ItRmz0jgnQGMbpPyN3HFjWUWweGvI8ITlg8cmSMG3FQiERPA/SrGxZ1bAzdNXiEsud9flj3EA== Message-ID: <584581456.837826.1647347225697@yahoo.com> X-YMail-OSG: azr9G3kVM1k69QDbZXMUqu37_9vCjvcaGTGFJiV5eMXxUZc44ckRgo1VQp7QMIZ dk8Y03V9N9GXDIeFphtfR9_n_XCsHkekbN.uqXIGVJLSXhoQyyzzn_W_KIN8o0P9CDsBxFdz6lRb n3JXVXjqUXicW3bgByDIX2Cpv4nxOKjkEtzR_JoGP4ez8dKa8G88qDV1XiozExLbGDnmw5_ZxebL ipcnXH6cGuI7K0b40m9lcBhXHrNPEez5Ro5owSqkn3Hgt1UAiR8ebqmsLW8_XbGJ2zZdHA12OeHv U.cJxAT.5fihK89c3aoMLwOKY69ERwr9GRaIUhHv3TiffZLNNFruGsSiuiZhshNmzJl_x3QEsC4C hUqG6NqXFpVrybi8aQjcw6gCEl.xfMHOXx7VDrTx0wK1VIkkh0gchYpgez5gZAOUnvWQQ2Q1_EcF LYUwzGxtdnLC_0TJbTORMuaMmCcvjdW.ZkTzKXR_L5PjhbBPd1zLn8ODwDzAS2s.2aJhrplKzB50 hWjeF8x4otGDzxUfFWRiGLnspT6M5Ke6eIfVd65jZ85Hn3QWwgtf8gB3HPyECEtH07qlH25rEumN .4yOTmF0GpxB8LwzFU3zDkSv16F9w5bs0IoMpJpGtGzMN3IKDvG1u6dj_WwDbtN.8elmSsifeQ60 y7.10uwo40Fhs9YrY_.dhZYVBjDvkfCGexjO5z8eSYYgKYykqW9FkYJmYhLyKuwPwYQOHbI7ilzb k2JB2uliifudpIRiVE_ZsSX.oubMR.z3QzLEU5cmTFdgcPlRPT.RBu_IpsBGwpUqNokRI2QH9Ilg 4.79Bv4rz7QupOPUdrJkbYszSEOOoO0R3eZILf6o.7T5tieCFz5PfT0KGP1diZA.Cp3QGEQoDWm_ w8HMzgW_bx3YcY.f9GrKajwbiORychnw4df0g.0On47kxemN8q7Y9GN6kQ6nwGJelKs_42JOvCcP QhkrdEtOLEZ53o7eG4Wjpql6wnmyvc_QEV0yPYKd0VFTu59i8wQcGZIuuhDRo0yi7uLk1u3Jexty uYS1HTZA3D_ZJJCucKb7fN_WBUkoWkNM3EzflddrSLEB2XoWRsb4ORCiq3aHIAfEugUM7G2oXST. 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My name is Mark, and I have been using Cygwin for as long as I can remember (maybe 20 years now?). I have only used X11 in Cygwin sporadically, and am having trouble getting a few things to work that I think should be fairly common. I’ve been researching the FAQs and docs and stacks and forums and Googles and so on, and progress has been quite slow. For example, when I run xinit and include a .xinitrc file in my home directory, it seems to immediately crash. Also, fonts seem to be an issue for me now, requiring an xft: prefix to get working (which took me most of the day yesterday to finally hack back to some level of functionality). When I try to run cfg.py (which is just a program to create a visual control flow graph for a given Python program), all the text is “blanked out” with boxes. I am theorizing that this is related to the graphviz library not being compatible with the new definitions of fonts. Trying to debug this, I ran a “hello world” for tkinter, and the default font was basically just a few pixels high (very small on my 4K monitor). Also, the default font is unreadably small. I have to choose enormous in the default window manager to see anything. I’ve looked at the docs on initialization and configuration for both Cygwin and Linux in general (which I’m also quite rusty on), but cannot seem to get anything to work. My next plan is to revert to older versions to see what worked in the past. (I think the last time I really used X in Cygwin rxvt could run without launching X which from the docs seems to be maybe a decade or two ago? Lol.) I have a string of laptops starting from when I designed graphics chips for Compaq in the 80’s, so I have a bit of history all set up to easily remember how I worked with startup files, etc., previously. I currently have the latest Cygwin packages installed on my brand new gaming laptop (MSI GF65 Thin). Here is the output of xinit when I include an empty .xinitrc: x AT MSI ~ $ touch .xinitrc x AT MSI ~ $ xinit Welcome to the XWin X Server Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project Release: OS: CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19042 MSI 3.3.4-341.x86_64 2022-01-31 19:35 UTC x86_64 OS: Windows 10 [Windows NT 10.0 build 19042] x64 Package: version 21.1.3-1 built 2022-01-14 XWin was started with the following command line: X :0 (II) xorg.conf is not supported (II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information winUpdateDpi - primary monitor native DPI x 192 y 192 LoadPreferences: Loading /home/x/.XWinrc LoadPreferences: Done parsing my personal configuration file... winDetectSupportedEngines - RemoteSession: no winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed, allowing ShadowDDNL winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 00000005 winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking winScreenInit - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel winWindowProc - WM_SIZE - new client area w: 3814 h: 2009 winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff0000 0000ff00 000000ff MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared memory support in the kernel (EE) AIGLX: No native OpenGL in modes with a root window (II) IGLX: Loaded and initialized swrast (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0 winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 1907 1004 (--) 5 mouse buttons found (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31 (--) Windows keyboard layout: "00000409" (00000409) "US", type 7 (--) Found matching XKB configuration "English (USA)" (--) Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "none" Options = "none" Rules = "base" Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "none" Options = "none" winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned. winClipboardThreadProc - DISPLAY=:0.0 winClipboardProc - xcb_connect () returned and successfully opened the display. xinit: connection to X server lost waiting for X server to shut down winClipboardProc - winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue trapped WM_QUIT message, exiting main loop. winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file. x AT MSI ~ $ Here is my XWin.0.log: Welcome to the XWin X Server Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project Release: OS: CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19042 MSI 3.3.4-341.x86_64 2022-01-31 19:35 UTC x86_64 OS: Windows 10 [Windows NT 10.0 build 19042] x64 Package: version 21.1.3-1 built 2022-01-14 XWin was started with the following command line: X :0 ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens winInitializeScreenDefaults - primary monitor w 3840 h 2160 [ 23420.234] (II) xorg.conf is not supported [ 23420.234] (II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information [ 23420.234] winUpdateDpi - primary monitor native DPI x 192 y 192 [ 23420.234] LoadPreferences: Loading /home/x/.XWinrc [ 23420.234] LoadPreferences: Done parsing my personal configuration file... [ 23420.234] winDetectSupportedEngines - RemoteSession: no [ 23420.296] winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed, allowing ShadowDDNL [ 23420.296] winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 00000005 [ 23420.296] winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking [ 23420.312] winScreenInit - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel [ 23420.343] winWindowProc - WM_SIZE - new client area w: 3814 h: 2009 [ 23420.390] winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff0000 0000ff00 000000ff [ 23420.390] MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support [ 23420.390] XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared memory support in the kernel [ 23420.390] (EE) AIGLX: No native OpenGL in modes with a root window [ 23420.390] (II) IGLX: Loaded and initialized swrast [ 23420.390] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0 [ 23420.562] winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 1907 1004 [ 23420.562] (--) 5 mouse buttons found [ 23420.562] (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31 [ 23420.562] (--) Windows keyboard layout: "00000409" (00000409) "US", type 7 [ 23420.562] (--) Found matching XKB configuration "English (USA)" [ 23420.562] (--) Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "none" Options = "none" [ 23420.562] Rules = "base" Model = "pc105" Layout = "us" Variant = "none" Options = "none" [ 23420.609] winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned. [ 23420.609] winClipboardThreadProc - DISPLAY=:0.0 [ 23420.609] winClipboardProc - xcb_connect () returned and successfully opened the display. [ 23420.656] winClipboardProc - winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue trapped WM_QUIT message, exiting main loop. [ 23420.671] winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress [ 23420.671] (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file. Thanks! Mark Sent from Mail for Windows -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple