X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 sourceware.org AFC673857427 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=cygwin.com; s=default; t=1631797595; bh=etiJkTBTVuL4IQ14o3odveEpdTD7OL12NqKTnwLiSao=; h=References:In-Reply-To:Date:Subject:To:List-Id:List-Unsubscribe: List-Archive:List-Post:List-Help:List-Subscribe:From:Reply-To:Cc: From; b=uFDPOTrRrCL8Tf5v0CRngtE47Z3ZBvqwjbWiGZ6WmUR+aR6q6RA/yyWoeUuacnKzo eWA+HtKEpBScr0u3BEkBGo1hmbToVVvnPjeZxFbvCdAYezyMuIlKGT1F5YSv+JKAQv zqCESq2Dqm7HFpmbG0EjKNbZ2IjljvQAnVaIdahs= X-Original-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.1 sourceware.org CB7A53858C39 X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:references:in-reply-to:from:date :message-id:subject:to:cc; bh=PU9R6pPyipp+G1yUi+Acv6V0Dq/t6d71rEmRqVeE5DU=; b=wkU8IASPjvCkrf5+SNg7BPftt/bEuDxAJInUm+JOH2fVic2Xspejz2kryYsUi948ix EYkkMYahq3TCQyahtfvi5txi7wbIIsvJrZdOuc8IDIMgBr1wy179uT1FXVgYA50LSMJA LFxKAVZHGNIGU0vCQggQKBBpbflA08NWEVZhvyEcL7XUpUmKW1TdX5f+GKAmLSEP+GxT /jrWdGQiQ1t3IGdoCH+SJ6apBD6ZTbFaoWdO0W12hZFY3idRMlU23k0Whe/S9DS7tjvU 9yNHOsTXErHtj7BlXclw2+xqED8CwoPlDLC7OM5re9AvPducHC1mhJ702q3mHdT9c0M/ OXiQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM5339rC03JsWrgRyblk64uLokPzb7k5b7JDqPT3YZ8bLHVSh84o99 pt+hLnAP2cYHkdpj9zXa96O1B+9sQkgg4CW3AKj1wt+9Eana8g== X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJyMOnQ+3Vu+lA906zC+wX/3W++zSCtM6PSQwSZtzA0IcdDyBxqj9etQ2DIKagB8GdXk00dCOGDQXhCE2MV+/JQ= X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:38d:: with SMTP id q13mr4775680qkm.87.1631797526091; Thu, 16 Sep 2021 06:05:26 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: In-Reply-To: Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 08:04:59 -0500 Message-ID: Subject: Re: cygwin terminal window disrupts scroll-lock state To: Thomas Wolff X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.0 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00, DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, DKIM_VALID_EF, FREEMAIL_FROM, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE, SPAM_BODY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, TXREP autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.4 X-Spam-Level: *** X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.4 (2020-01-24) on server2.sourceware.org X-BeenThere: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.29 List-Id: General Cygwin discussions and problem reports List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , From: Eric Adams via Cygwin Reply-To: Eric Adams Cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: "Cygwin" Thank you. ".minttyrc" is my new friend. Thanks to all who help with cygwin. Eric Adams. On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 12:19 PM Thomas Wolff wrote: > > > Am 15.09.2021 um 11:59 schrieb Eric Adams via Cygwin: > > Hi, > > > > In the last few days, I have noticed a new behavior. Activating or > > deactivating a Cygwin terminal window may change the state of my > > keyboard's scroll-lock light. > Keyboard LED management is a new feature as described in the manual > page. The purpose is to keep the LEDs consistent with the state of the > terminal window. > > > Inside a terminal window, the keyboard scroll-lock key may not change the corresponding light. > If you assign a user-defined no-scroll or scroll-mode function to a key > (regardless of whether it's the ScrollLock or another key), the > ScrollLock will change accordingly. > > > What I have: > > my startup icon command: C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico - > > my shell: tcsh > > my prompt: '%m:%c3 \!> ' > > my OS: Windows 10 Home / 21H1 / 19043.1237 > > my keyboard: CoolerMaster Devastator II (illuminated) > > > > If I activate a terminal window, the scroll-lock light may (or may > > not) change state. If I press the scroll-lock key, the light may (or > > may not) change state. > It will be changed to the terminal state when the terminal window gets > focus and restored to the system state when the terminal loses focus, as > you noted below. > > > Holding the key down causes the light to flicker, and on releasing the key the final state may be either on or off. > Auto-repeat may in fact confuse the state management, to be checked for > a race condition. > > > Returning focus to a windows application seems to restore the > > "desired" scroll-lock state. > > > > My observation is based on the use of the scroll-lock light to control the illumination of this keyboard. > What is your use case and how do you control the LEDs? > Anyway, if you do not wish mintty to manage the ScrollLock (or any) LED, > try setting > ManageLEDs=3 or ManageLEDs=0 > > Thomas > > > Thanks for your attention, > > Eric Adams. > > -- > Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html > FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ > Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html > Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple