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Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 19:07:03 +0900
To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygutils 1.4.16-5
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From: Takashi Yano via Cygwin <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
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Hi Mark,

On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 22:21:43 -0700
Mark Geisert wrote:
> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> * cygutils-1.4.16-5
> * cygutils-extra-1.4.16-5
> * cygutils-x11-1.4.16-5
> This release fixes a couple of issues reported in -4test.  I decided
> rather than respinning -4 as a non-test release, to just bump to -5.
> Unicode capture from the Windows clipboard with getclip and Unicode
> display to the Windows clipboard with putclip should now be working
> properly.  Thank you to those who reported issues with the previous
> builds, both privately and on the main Cygwin mailing list.
> Excerpt from ChangeLog follows...
> 2021-08-24  Mark Geisert  <mark AT maxrnd DOT com>  (release 1.4.16-5)
>         * src/clip/putclip.c: Fix broken Unicode support. Don't GlobalFree a
>         handle that's been transferred to the system by SetClipboardData().
>         Thanks to Christian Franke for that last bit.
> 2021-08-15  Mark Geisert  <mark AT maxrnd DOT com>  (release 1.4.16-4test)
>         * Makefile.am: Add -lkernel32 to src_clip_getclip_LDADD.  This somehow
>         didn't make it into the released -3 package.  Thank you Takashi Yano.
>         * Fix maintainer build environment issues that caused cygstart crash
>         on non-AVX user systems: Thank you Takashi Yano, Brian Inglis, Achim
>         Gratz and user Jay Abel for reporting the issue.
>         * src/cygdrop/cygdrop.cc: Fix crash with recent gcc and fix printf
>         format strings. Thank you Christian Franke.
> 2021-07-05  Mark Geisert  <mark AT maxrnd DOT com>  (release 1.4.16-3)
>         * src/clip/getclip.c: Add Unicode support.
> I plan to update the public source repository for cygutils over the next
> couple weeks.  Then after that it's revisiting the whole source tree to
> make corrections to allow compilation with gcc 11.  That will be 1.4.17.

Thanks for fixing.

I tested 1.4.16-5 and found another problem in putclip.

If non-ASCII chars are passed to putclip, clip board
has garbage at the end.

Run 'echo αβγ | putclip', then paste clip board to
notepad. 'αβγ' is pasted with a few bytes of garbage.

It seems that the longer non-ASCII string generages longer

Running 'echo αβγαβγαβγαβγαβγαβγ | putclip'
and pasting clip board here, results something like:


Sometimes, error message:
"Couldn't write CF_TEXT format to the clipboard."
is shown.

My locale is "ja_JP.UTF-8".

Could you please have a look?

Takashi Yano <takashi DOT yano AT nifty DOT ne DOT jp>

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