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charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed" Errors-To: cygwin-bounces AT cygwin DOT com Sender: "Cygwin" <cygwin-bounces AT cygwin DOT com> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by delorie.com id 13ELx2vd011320 On 4/14/2021 1:14 PM, sten DOT kristian DOT ivarsson AT gmail DOT com wrote: >>>> Hi Ken >>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Using AF_UNIX/SOCK_DGRAM with current version (3.2.0) >> seems >>>>> to >>>>>>>>>>>>> drop messages or at least they are not received in the same >>>>>>>>>>>>> order they are sent >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> [snip] >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the test case. I can confirm the problem. I'm not >>>>>>>>>> familiar enough with the current AF_UNIX implementation to >>>>>>>>>> debug this easily. I'd rather spend my time on the new >>>>>>>>>> implementation (on the topic/af_unix branch). It turns out >>>>>>>>>> that your test case fails there too, but in a completely >>>>>>>>>> different way, due to a bug in sendto for datagrams. I'll see >>>>>>>>>> if I can fix that bug and then try again. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Ken >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Ok, too bad it wasn't our own code base but good that the >> "mystery" >>>>>>>>> is verified >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I finally succeed to build topic/af_unix (after finding out what >>>>>>>>> version of zlib was needed), but not with -D__WITH_AF_UNIX to >>>>>>>>> CXXFLAGS though and thus I haven�t tested it yet >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Is it sufficient to add the define to the "main" Makefile or do >>>>>>>>> you have to add it to all the Makefile:s ? I guess I can find >>>>>>>>> out though >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I do it on the configure line, like this: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ../af_unix/configure CXXFLAGS="-g -O0 -D__WITH_AF_UNIX" -- >>>>> prefix=... >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Is topic/af_unix fairly up to date with master branch ? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Yes, I periodically cherry-pick commits from master to topic/af_unix. >>>>>>>> I'lldo that again right now. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Either way, I'll be glad to help out testing topic/af_unix >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks! >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I've now pushed a fix for that sendto bug, and your test case runs >>>>>>> without error on the topic/af_unix branch. >>>>>> >>>>>> It seems like the test-case do work now with topic/af_unix in >>>>>> blocking mode, but when using non-blocking (with MSG_DONTWAIT) >>>>>> there are >>>>> some >>>>>> issues I think >>>>>> >>>>>> 1. When the queue is empty with non-blocking recv(), errno is set >>>>>> to EPIPE but I think it should be EAGAIN (or maybe the pipe is >>>>>> getting broken for real of some reason ?) >>>>>> >>>>>> 2. When using non-blocking recv() and no message is written at all, >>>>>> it seems like recv() blocks forever >>>>>> >>>>>> 3. Using non-blocking recv() where the "client" does send less than >>>>>> "count" messages, sometimes recv() blocks forever (as well) >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> My na�ve analysis of this is that for the first issue (if any) the >>>>>> wrong errno is set and for the second issue it blocks if no >>>>>> sendto() is done after the first recv(), i.e. nothing kicks the "reader >> thread" >>>>>> in the butt to realise the queue is empty. It is not super clear >>>>>> though what POSIX says about creating blocking descriptors and then >>>>>> using non-blocking-flags with recv(), but this works in Linux any >>>>>> way >>>>> >>>>> The explanation is actually much simpler. In the recv code where a >>>>> bound datagram socket waits for a remote socket to connect to the >>>>> pipe, I simply forget to handle MSG_DONTWAIT. I've pushed a >> fix. Please retest. >>>>> >>>>> I should add that in all my work so far on the topic/af_unix branch, >>>>> I've thought mainly about stream sockets. So there may still be >>>>> things remaining to be implemented for the datagram case. >>>> >>>> I finally got some time to test topic/af_unix in our "real" >>>> cygwin-application >>>> (casual) and unfortunately very few of our unittests pass >>>> >>>> The symptoms are that there's unexpected eternal blocking, sometimes >>>> there's unexpected EADDRNOTAVAIL, sometimes it looks like some >> memory >>>> corruption (and >>>> core-dumps) >>>> >>>> Of course the memory corruption etc could be our self and the >>>> core-dumps might be because of uncaught exceptions >>>> >>>> Needles to say is that all unittests pass on Linux, but of course >>>> cygwin-topic/af_unix could act according to POSIX-standard and the >>>> behaviour couldbe due to our own misinterpretation of how POSIX works >>> >>> More likely it's due to bugs in the topic/af_unix branch. This is >>> still very much a work in progress. >>> >>>> I will try to narrow down the quite complex logic and reproduce the >>>> problems >>> >>> That would be ideal. >>> >>>> If you of some reason wanna try it with casual, I'd be glad to help >>>> you out (it should be easier now that last time (but there might be >>>> some documentation missing for Cygwin still)) >>>> >>>> https://bitbucket.org/casualcore/ >>> >>> I'm going on vacation in a few days, but I might do this when I get back. >>> >>> Thanks for your testing. >> >> By the way, if your code is using datagram sockets, then there are very serious >> problems with our implementation (even aside from the performance issue >> that we've already discussed). For example, I don't know of any reasonable >> way for select to test whether such a socket is ready for writing. We'll need to >> solve that somehow. > > If you by that mean if we're using SOCK_DGRAM, the answer is yes > > I tried SOCK_STREAM (and SOCK_SEQPACKET I think) for CYGWIN 3.2.0 but that didn't work at all > > As far as I understand, both all types on pretty much all implementations preserves message ordering though > > I haven't tried SOCK_STREAM and/or SOCK_SEQPACKET with the topic/af_unix-branch. Is that worth a try ? SOCK_STREAM is definitely worth a try. The implementation of that should be much more reliable than the implementation of SOCK_DGRAM at the moment. We don't implement SOCK_SEQPACKET. Ken -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple