X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 sourceware.org CC157388F067 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=cygwin.com; s=default; t=1592764315; bh=w3KC6e9zh2ImCvUKYzKApmLy9V1DoKYWC7Fm1Jtt/Xk=; h=References:In-Reply-To:Date:Subject:To:List-Id:List-Unsubscribe: List-Archive:List-Post:List-Help:List-Subscribe:From:Reply-To:Cc: From; b=YDrJNVIv9EIsAVYM1yRQMfUXNfYLZZE58ndQwR4hcS2uoIEjjCnVpnvEtGYhyA4xy dKMYVtzkzUBKq68IpO5C5CxCYFnKg0R5HOqtZr/EZUxdpsdJnBJNQCclSg3GnuKM2r PnckxsuVrqvcFtPkHOUq1fYibPoAaviLjYfn0uhA= X-Original-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.3.2 sourceware.org 1B5C1388F063 X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:references:in-reply-to:from:date :message-id:subject:to:cc; bh=YkTE2BHqXqR77sS9hEui0uKazO/A8FMXfrnAU+yP1fY=; b=ajNNeCWUqVFtLlngrJrwLgbz/udD49nUD49dlwbpD0XMRKJ14Fs2r5s7KObVjqnqLR gYqpeRtslC1uN5/cE4nPYlsVcE6ASy/WmWZ04mGMQy2SORRG9t5uXgdCbi16OweuKGXh xm2CVHuEFxX98YhKxOQq2T+9fBMaieGGaOuZmTJkRoE0qOp0mE+cUwedAuDi8StEMQh5 NtoN5gK0dyeBLSBW8OQI6l+Qw1y7gg+k1BNQh2ipGxtbG///HC/NzXnTV7/ow0f9ZJ4t GJdmYuFdxlOoDGPGekLhvW/9VmH0H5U2ymO8TgRDWFCmK4Udna5LpBdl4OXSrT+s5DIW YCpg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM533OofVYFYE45aHJESUv4f6ZKHAe4ryw2HqSKqLMtVBfIz5WDpbS /X/rLW+FnhejCl5w7XHXRsl+E/0wgwHeM8Phw8g= X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJxrEUPVw8e1HF/8nvRF49fXAcHFlfPSsBVeU/vxH1/cDSKrQ545xPWzJeUJFet8bM2sEQebxPxQNZ+pBLF8M7Y= X-Received: by 2002:a2e:87da:: with SMTP id v26mr6380784ljj.14.1592764308728; Sun, 21 Jun 2020 11:31:48 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <86888556-a7c2-501f-c734-f0085ea6bdf5 AT gmail DOT com> In-Reply-To: <86888556-a7c2-501f-c734-f0085ea6bdf5@gmail.com> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2020 11:31:37 -0700 Message-ID: Subject: Re: What's the official state of Python module scipy in Cygwin? To: Marco Atzeri X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.2 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00, BODY_8BITS, DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, DKIM_VALID_EF, FREEMAIL_ENVFROM_END_DIGIT, FREEMAIL_FROM, HTML_MESSAGE, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, TXREP autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on server2.sourceware.org X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.29 X-BeenThere: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.29 List-Id: General Cygwin discussions and problem reports List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , From: My Name via Cygwin Reply-To: My Name Cc: The Cygwin Mailing List Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Sender: "Cygwin" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by delorie.com id 05LIWM7f015389 (M.A., I've figured out how to reply to the Cygwin Mailing List on these. If you'd like me to remove your name from the list of addressees in my future emails, please let me know? I have not found comprehensive docs for this mailing-list software, so I'm clueless.) I was delighted when Numpy first showed up as an official Cygwin Package and am using Numpy in Python 3.7 in Cygwin now. I've realized that the latest Cygwin versions of Python (now 3.8) are often incomplete, but that's no problem for me. I'm also able to use Sympy in Cygwin by installing Sympy via Pip in python3.7 in Cygwin. Scipy includes functions outside Numpy and Sympy that would be useful to me at least, and I regularly rely on JupyterLab; so for those, I've been resorting to Windows 10 versions of Python3. I should have clarified in my original post in this thread, when I did happen to have success installing full Scipy in Cygwin, it was with this command: $ python3.7 -m pip install scipy When I did have that success installing Scipy in Cygwin, I later realized that whether Cygwin package gcc-fortran was installed locally made a difference. Without gcc-fortran installed locally, the pip command would fail to install Scipy. When I run that pip command now, I don't comprehend the output, but I recognize that the Scipy installation has failed, even though I do have Cygwin's gcc-fortran installed: ================================== $ python3.7 -m pip install scipy Collecting scipy Downloading scipy-1.5.0.tar.gz (25.6 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 25.6 MB 11.8 MB/s Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements to build wheel ... done Preparing wheel metadata ... error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel /tmp/tmpc3ao3jht cwd: /tmp/pip-install-593dlngp/scipy Complete output (137 lines): lapack_opt_info: lapack_mkl_info: customize UnixCCompiler libraries mkl_rt not found in ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/lib/'] NOT AVAILABLE openblas_lapack_info: customize UnixCCompiler customize UnixCCompiler libraries openblas not found in ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/lib/'] NOT AVAILABLE openblas_clapack_info: customize UnixCCompiler customize UnixCCompiler libraries openblas,lapack not found in ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/lib/'] NOT AVAILABLE atlas_3_10_threads_info: Setting PTATLAS=ATLAS customize UnixCCompiler libraries tatlas,tatlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries tatlas,tatlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries tatlas,tatlas not found in /usr/lib/ customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/ NOT AVAILABLE atlas_3_10_info: customize UnixCCompiler libraries satlas,satlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries satlas,satlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries satlas,satlas not found in /usr/lib/ customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/ NOT AVAILABLE atlas_threads_info: Setting PTATLAS=ATLAS customize UnixCCompiler libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries ptf77blas,ptcblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/ customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/ NOT AVAILABLE atlas_info: customize UnixCCompiler libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/local/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib customize UnixCCompiler libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in /usr/lib/ customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack_atlas not found in /usr/lib/ NOT AVAILABLE lapack_info: customize UnixCCompiler libraries lapack not found in ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/lib/'] NOT AVAILABLE lapack_src_info: NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE setup.py:462: UserWarning: Unrecognized setuptools command ('dist_info --egg-base /tmp/pip-modern-metadata-ib3nkeed'), proceeding with generating Cython sources and expanding templates ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))) Running from SciPy source directory. /tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/system_info.py:624: UserWarning: Atlas (http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/) libraries not found. Directories to search for the libraries can be specified in the numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [atlas]) or by setting the ATLAS environment variable. self.calc_info() /tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/system_info.py:624: UserWarning: Lapack (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/) libraries not found. Directories to search for the libraries can be specified in the numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [lapack]) or by setting the LAPACK environment variable. self.calc_info() /tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/system_info.py:624: UserWarning: Lapack (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/) sources not found. Directories to search for the sources can be specified in the numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [lapack_src]) or by setting the LAPACK_SRC environment variable. self.calc_info() Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py", line 280, in main() File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py", line 263, in main json_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs']) File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py", line 133, in prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel return hook(metadata_directory, config_settings) File "/tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 157, in prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel self.run_setup() File "/tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 249, in run_setup self).run_setup(setup_script=setup_script) File "/tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py", line 142, in run_setup exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'), locals()) File "setup.py", line 583, in setup_package() File "setup.py", line 579, in setup_package setup(**metadata) File "/tmp/pip-build-env-znryb617/overlay/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/distutils/core.py", line 135, in setup config = configuration() File "setup.py", line 477, in configuration raise NotFoundError(msg) numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: No lapack/blas resources found. ---------------------------------------- ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel /tmp/tmpc3ao3jht Check the logs for full command output. $ ================================== Going by an old memory of mine, I recall that parts of Scipy rely on BLAS, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Linear_Algebra_Subprograms, and I read somewhere that that dependency adds to the difficulty of porting Scipy to new platforms. On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 10:52 AM Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote: > On 21.06.2020 15:03, My Name via Cygwin wrote: > > IIRC, at one point I was able to use scipy in Cygwin, after a period of > > failed attempts. I believe that having installed gcc-fortran might have > > been part of the solution I stumbled upon. > > > > But now I'm back to being unable to install scipy in Cygwin. Is it > > supported officially? Or unsupported but sometimes possible? > > > > Thank you. > > -- > > > partially supported ? > > pythonXX-numpy is available, except the 3.8 version for the > time being as all the 3.8 packages are under deployment. > > All the rest is not, as no one has spent time to package them. > > What is the problem and on which package ? > > Regards > Marco > > > > -- > Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html > FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ > Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html > Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple > -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple