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Now that you mentioned that, I seem to be having similar behavior as you: Xfce start every time I try it. But now that I tried it some more, LXDE is not consistent for me either. Sometimes I get a black screen, sometimes a black screen and the right-click-on-background-menu, and sometimes a normal working LXDE environment. The first time I try to start LXDE after a reboot of my PC seems to work always, and after that I get mostly the black screen without pop-up menu. The only thing I seem to be able to reproduce reliably with LXDE is the first try after reboot. Also, after I have to exit from the 'black screen', I get some remaining 'bash.exe' processes left in MS-Windows task manager (regardless of what desktop environment/desktop manager I tried to start). Sometimes it seems to help if I kill these off before I retry to start LXDE, and sometimes not. Thanks again, - Maarten On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 6:18 PM Tony Richardson wrote: > On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 7:11 AM Maarten Hoes via Cygwin > wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> >> I tried a few different Desktop Environments for comparison. At least >> GNOME-Openbox, KDE-Openbox, Plasma, and MATE give me a black screen and no >> taskbar/menu, pop-up menu with right-click on background, etc., but I can >> start applications on them if I open a Cygwin prompt through the 'Cygwin64 >> Terminal' icon by doing (for example) "export DISPLAY=:0.0 ; xterm". >> >> However, the LXDE and Openbox desktops do give me the familiar things >> (like >> a start-menu, right-click on desktop pop-up menu). >> >> I have no idea where to even begin with troubleshooting the issue (of >> getting KDE or GNOME working). Could it be as simple as some packages that >> have not been installed ? I installed these desktops by selecting the >> packages listed on the Cygwin/X website during the overall Cygwin >> installation (setup-x86_64.exe). >> >> Any and all help is appreciated. >> >> >> >> - Maarten >> >> >> On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 2:38 PM Maarten Hoes >> wrote: >> >> > Hi, >> > >> > >> > When I run XLaunch and choose single window (or use the KDE 'Plasma' >> > shortcut), I get a black window (or grey, when also supplying '-retro'), >> > but I am not getting a desktop like when I do when I run KDE on Linux >> (KDE >> > taskbar/menu, pop-up menu with right-click on background, etc.). Is >> there a >> > way to do this ? Or am I missing something obvious here ? >> > >> > >> > Any and all help is appreciated, >> > >> > >> > Thanks in advance, >> > >> > >> > - Maarten >> > > Sorry I can't provide help, I just wanted to mention that I have related > (I think) problems. I only have the LXDE and Xfce desktop environments > installed. Xfce starts consistently everytime. LXDE only completely > starts every-other-time. I get the black window one time (with a pop-up > openbox menu). I can log-out and then the next time I get the full LXDE > desktop. There is consistent alternation between the two. LXDE is my > preferred desktop, but I tend to use Xfce because of this problem. > > I thought that there might be some weird interaction in the configuration > files used by the different desktop environments so I deleted all the > config files (dot files) in my home directory but I still see the same > behavior. > > Tony > > -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple