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Subject: Re: Why is taskset still not in util-linux?
From: Mark Geisert <mark AT maxrnd DOT com>
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Mark Geisert wrote:
> Eliot Moss wrote:
>> Dear cygwin-ers --
>> Something I had asked about a while ago was the absence os taskset in cygwin's
>> util-linux.  At the time, it was pointed out that the necessary get/set
>> affinity library/system calls were not yet supported.  These were added a
>> while ago, so it would seem that taskset ought to work.  In fact, I think
>> someone got it going on their own.  Can we add it to util-linux now,
>> officially?  I think this was intended but perhaps was overlooked or
>> something.
> Report noted; thanks.  A solution is being worked.

There's been no forward progress on this.  If you're comfortable getting the 
util-linux source package through Cygwin setup*.exe, you can follow the steps 
shown in https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2020-March/039855.html to 
build (with cygport) a local copy of util-linux that includes a taskset.exe you 
can move into /usr/local/bin, for example.

You might try that route if you're up for it.  Feel free to ask questions here 
if you hit a snag.

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