X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:reply-to:from:to:date:message-id:subject; q= dns; s=default; b=QF07+s1tUFY738qI+iRO/fge8MIPTa82rTjZT3x40NMrrE ybCBMytnWR1sCB/+JbrNJPMQtUpQ0LGLwauCS8VZmeiaZkmfQpDbo/2S3q4Ie2lr ZRB8K4oqoEn1/2uQS0AGsMtZRvoscm9uK6n0m0nmj9w8Ax64JNGW3cS0PYCjw= DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:reply-to:from:to:date:message-id:subject; s= default; bh=q18xbv8uiJDDms33NXU36HxIusQ=; b=tZ6WbjgCoMF4Ad0V9GSb 9kzGN9u+deXjYcakz1USPwj/tKY8ivg0tsST8BqiFdLW063+Iul5iLvZDgwwILF3 +WiOgomL6Y7lS9BmQtNkTKMnF9yKpttYEsI8r516xiVz0mvNR1s0h3ObAVDbWEga +pxttokIh1q69mdO3wTpXEQ= Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Authentication-Results: sourceware.org; auth=none X-Spam-SWARE-Status: No, score=-2.1 required=5.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED,AWL,BAYES_00,KAM_NUMSUBJECT autolearn=no version=3.3.1 spammy=H*MI:cygwin, announcement, HAuthentication-Results:auth, HX-HELO:sk:localho X-HELO: localhost.localdomain Reply-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Authentication-Results: sourceware.org; auth=none From: Yaakov Selkowitz To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 18:11:49 -0400 Message-Id: Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] bind 9.11.9-1 The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution: * bind-9.11.9-1 * bind-utils-9.11.9-1 * bind-doc-9.11.9-1 * libbind9_161-9.11.9-1 * libdns1106-9.11.9-1 * libirs161-9.11.9-1 * libisc1100-9.11.9-1 * libisccc161-9.11.9-1 * libisccfg163-9.11.9-1 * liblwres161-9.11.9-1 * libbind9-devel-9.11.9-1 * python27-isc-9.11.9-1 * python36-isc-9.11.9-1 * python37-isc-9.11.9-1 BIND is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. The DNS protocols are part of the core Internet standards. They specify the process by which one computer can find another computer on the basis of its name. The BIND software distribution contains all of the software needed both to ask name service questions and to answer such questions. This is an update to the stable 9.11 branch of BIND, with the latest stable patchset from Fedora. GeoIP2 support was enabled in place of the obsolete GeoIP Legacy. libdns had an ABI version bump. -- Yaakov -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple