X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:message-id:date:from:mime-version:to:subject :references:in-reply-to:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; q=dns; s=default; b=k9yEt4lNdZbmyxQ5vlX39ppoj0j/o1Cjf+drVS/0vAl Frr8GLS/5ZoAgzr/8Zc7lbxnOlpk7XUeQ4U6oKrOuZ9L/t3qdL03NKJhQdnarGjJ m8IJnM1IMgLsoSuJRolRwrL8aJAIPfWXVHnkz9pB5cxkF+ypl76zEJKlZzKK27lY = DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:message-id:date:from:mime-version:to:subject :references:in-reply-to:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; s=default; bh=GhrDHkfTSgl2uieLPuqhPTCYzug=; b=CNMy6P9RT/xd3RqPB TZEt56YHp6qxdTdJZKdeF8XTsQkukGWfG5ZWpP7Tk7GycV3IhCmNqD7mA353ggyV POwpH7+cyx3DwAsQ0Sr7VON4TVzRSTzL7Y5VbH1HdDVxAVack1ddLMvacE0hHL8q PvbAWzg1h4/oPqcslWoOhXFhhs= Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Authentication-Results: sourceware.org; auth=none X-Virus-Found: No X-Spam-SWARE-Status: No, score=-6.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,GIT_PATCH_2 autolearn=ham version=3.3.2 spammy=Giving, respond X-HELO: Ishtar.sc.tlinx.org Message-ID: <5AE405B8.9020500@tlinx.org> Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 22:25:12 -0700 From: L A Walsh User-Agent: Thunderbird MIME-Version: 1.0 To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Subject: Re: odd behavior(bug?) during run of setup References: <5AE28B9C DOT 9070209 AT tlinx DOT org> <5AE33F09 DOT 2020302 AT tlinx DOT org> <101880418 DOT 20180428043535 AT yandex DOT ru> In-Reply-To: <101880418.20180428043535@yandex.ru> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-IsSubscribed: yes Andrey Repin wrote: > Greetings, L A Walsh! >> Jon Turney wrote: >>> Giving the actual error you see, rather than "an error" would be helpful. >> ---- >> Usually do, but it doesn't copy/paste. It was a standard >> error where it says it is in use or some other error occurred. > > You can Ctrl+C standard MsgBox and it'll copy as text. > Just sayin'. ---- Didn't look like a standard MsgBox. The text wouldn't "select" w/cursor, so didn't appear to respond to normal text-select & copy methods. Seemed more like a window made with a non-standard UI/widget set -- maybe mingw? Dunno. Didn't look like a normal win32-ui type window. -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple