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Enough that >> all Windows associations are executed with cmd if you try to >> CreateProcess blindly. Don't copy this mistake. >> > Bash is used as an intermediary shell that executes the script. > Generally a shebang line denotes the actual interpreter. > Bash was chosen because it's bundled with a default Cygwin installation. /usr/bin/env is also in the default install. And I'm using it to run scripts now. See attached TCC wrapper. >> If you want to make it useful, write a thin wrapper over exec() that >> finds out and runs proper interpreter, and support it with options to >> make interpreters happy. F.e. convert $0 to Cygwin path, if >> interpreter don't understand native paths (i.e. dash cringe over >> non-latin1 native paths and I yet to find out why). >> > All native paths are converted to Cygwin equivalents before invoking > bash, That's not the right thing to do. You can't know if a "path" you convert is an actual local filesystem path (except for $0, but even then, it is not always necessary). > ie. $0 as in the path of the file that was clicked from Windows, > and consecutive arguments if some files were dragged and dropped to > registered file icon. > That is, the script shall always receive only Posix style paths, by design. You have a strangely limited perception on the usability of your tool. How about console invocation? >>> in an interactive login shell. >> >> This should be optional. Login shell may cause $(pwd) to change, not >> to mention, it alters environment. >> >>> If the executed script exits with a non-zero code, MinTTY window >> >> This should be optional. >> >>> shall be kept open >> >> This should be optional. >> > Nice suggestions. I've thought to implement per extension options > especially for keeping the window open after completion. > Script is actually invoked roughly as follows: > /bin/bash -il -c 'cd && ./' So, you're intentionally changing execution environment? > with proper escaping applied. So even though user's personal init script > changes the working directory, the script will be invoked in its > containing directory. Which is not necessarily the place where user had it invoked. > I think it's a reasonable default to have bash run this way, since > there's a fair chance that scripts require environmental variables set > in .bashrc or like (eg. $PATH to ruby gems). I'm not in the favor of chances when I'm doing my work. -- With best regards, Andrey Repin Tuesday, May 9, 2017 17:15:35 Sorry for my terrible english... ------------0260C3180389E1EAC Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="cygwrap.btm" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cygwrap.btm" QFNFVCBQUk9NUFQ9QCRTJFAkXw0KQEVDSE8gT0ZGDQpPTiBCUkVBSyBSRU0N Cg0KSUYgIiV+MSIgPT0gIi0taW5zdGFsbCIgR09UTyA6U0VUVVANCklGICIl fjEiID09ICIiIEdPVE8gOkJBTk5FUg0KDQpTRVQgUEFUSD0lQFJUUklNW1ws JUBQQVRIWyVARlVMTFsiJX4wIl1dXTslW1BBVEhdDQpTRVQgRU5WPSVAUEFU SFslQEZVTExbIiV+MCJdXWVudi5leGUNClNFVCBDTUROQU1FPSVARVhFQ1NU UltjeWdwYXRoLmV4ZSAtdSAiJX4xIl0NClNISUZUDQoNCiIlW0VOVl0iIC0t ICIlW0NNRE5BTUVdIiAlJA0KUkVNIEVDSE8gUmV0dXJuICU/DQpRVUlUICU/ DQoNCjpCQU5ORVINCkVDSE8gQ3lnd2luIHNjcmlwdCB3cmFwcGVyLg0KRUNI TyBVc2FnZToNCkVDSE8uDQpFQ0hPICAgJUBGSUxFTkFNRVsiJX4wIl0gc2Ny aXB0IFtwYXJhbWV0ZXJzXQ0KRUNITyAgICVARklMRU5BTUVbIiV+MCJdIC0t aW5zdGFsbCBbLmV4dCAuLi5dDQpFQ0hPLg0KRUNITyBUaGUgIi5zaCIgZXh0 ZW5zaW9uIGlzIGFsd2F5cyByZWdpc3RlcmVkIG9uIGluc3RhbGwuDQpRVUlU DQoNCjpTRVRVUA0KDQpGVFlQRSB1bml4c2hlbGwuc2NyaXB0PSIlW0NvbVNw ZWNdIiAvQyAiJUBGVUxMWyIlfjAiXSIgIiUlMSIgJSUqDQpTSElGVA0KRE8g RVhUIElOIC9MIC5zaCAlJA0KICBJRkYgIiVATEVGVFsxLCVbRVhUXV0iID09 ICIuIiBUSEVODQogICAgQVNTT0MgJVtFWFRdPXVuaXhzaGVsbC5zY3JpcHQN CiAgRU5ESUZGDQpFTkRETw0K ------------0260C3180389E1EAC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple ------------0260C3180389E1EAC--