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I've only ever set them in the >> client application, including my tests about IUTF8 which worked. Would >> setting on the master side imply it's set for the clients implicitly, >> and can it be changed later, e.g. when mintty character encoding is >> being changed from the Options dialog? >> And you say the function of erasing characters on BS is in the master >> side? To be honest, this confuses me. I thought it's a client function, >> like readline() would perform if used (apparently not by dash), which is >> kind of an enhanced version of the tty cooked mode and used to work even >> without the new flag, right? > The readline source code does not mention IUTF8; and neither bash nor > dash need to reference it, because if the tty handling code sets it > correctly for what the terminal is going to display, then the clients > that are read()ing from the tty never even see BS in cooked mode (the > master side of the terminal handles BS before the read() completes in > the slave, if I'm understanding it correctly). This does not comply with my (limited) understanding of pty stuff. In mintty, forkpty will create a master/slave pty; mintty feeds it on the master side, while the client program (usually a shell) reads from the slave side. Mintty never handles BS for input, it simply feeds it into the pty. "Line disciplines" like cooked mode must be handled on the slave side. >>> iutf8 is set in Linux by default and by most terminal applications ionly >>> reset if the LC_CTYPE setting in the environment of the terminal >>> application is not set to the utf8 codeset. This is determined at >>> terminal startup, not by the inferior processes runnin in the terminal. >>> The applications still can set iutf8 via termios control (or stty(1)). >> Will you patch stty as well to address the new flag? > Already patched; coreutils-8.26-2 was promoted to current yesterday. > >>> For mintty I just thought it might be helpful to honor the character set >>> setting in its options and to default to iutf8 if it's not set. >> Sure, but it would be better to find a solution that implicitly works in >> all terminals. Isn't it possible to handle this in forkpty()/openpty()? > Does forkpty()/openpty() currently pay attention to environment > variables to even know what encoding is currently in use? Don't know, but maybe it simply should for this purpose, for a widely-useful solution. > And what's to > say that the environment used to fork the master side will match the > locale settings of the slave process that connects to the pty, so how do > we know whether to default IUTF8 on or off based solely on the slave's > environment, when it is the master that is handling BS and therefore the > master's character encoding that matters for how much BS should erase ? See above; the master isn't handling BS. But there should be no such inconsistency in the case of mintty because master and slave are forked from common initial code. I think this consideration is only relevant for reattaching programs like screen. ------ Thomas -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple