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When running xz on Cygwin/MSYS2 on Wine to decompress data and write to a pipe, we found data corruption in the final result. This is reported as Wine Staging bug 394: https://bugs.wine-staging.com/show_bug.cgi?id=394 The command line to reproduce the bug is below: $ cd /usr/share/gettext $ xz -d -c < archive.dir.tar.xz | sha1sum # output result is random on Wine Tested version: Cygwin version 2.1.0, 2015/07/14 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll XZ version $ xz --version xz (XZ Utils) 5.2.1 liblzma 5.2.1 Wine Staging: $ wine --version wine-1.7.49-717-g3404140 (Staging) In case anyone interesting, we also tested on msys2: MSYS_NT-5.1 2.2.1(0.289/5/3) 2015-08-09 14:43 i686 Msys *** With help from Lazhu (xz developer), Corrina and Sebastian, the problem become a bit clearer. For archive, here are some testing results we got: 1. This problem can't be reproduce on WinXP or Win7 according to my tests. 2. This problem doesn't happen with xz 5.0.8. Lazhu pointed out a relate issue which doesn't happen in xz 5.0.8 but discovered by 5.2.1: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-02/msg00575.html That's very helpful information, finally we made sure the two problem are different but get a clear idea what might be wrong. 3. Modified from Lazhu's previous test case, we wrote a new test case to simulate the new problem, as attachment writer.c: $ gcc writer.c -o writer $ ./writer | sha1sum # the result is randomly on Wine but constant on Windows The test case reproduce the problem on Wine, which generate randomly sha1sum. If pipe is not used, then there is no data corruption: $ ./write > good.txt && sha1sume good.txt # always good on Wine and Windows However, the same test case doesn't reproduce anything wrong on WinXP and Win7, sha1sum is always constant. I tried modified buffer size, loop counts, etc inside the test case, I also made sure EAGAIN is trigger on both Wine and Windows. I also tried something like below to slow down reader speed: $ ./write | pv -L512k | sha1sume In any case, it's 100% reproduce on Wine, but never reproduce on Windows. *** We are going to do some more test, will update this thread when we have something interesting. Thanks. -- Regards, Qian Hong - http://www.winehq.org --089e013d1d3c2ba6fc051d57a529 Content-Type: text/x-csrc; charset=US-ASCII; name="writer.c" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="writer.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_idcwzj6m0 Ly8gZ2NjIC1zdGQ9Z251OTkgLVdhbGwgLVdleHRyYSB3cml0ZXIuYyAtbyB3 cml0ZXIKCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzeXMvdHlwZXMuaD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy9z dGF0Lmg+CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxmY250bC5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8dW5pc3RkLmg+ CiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdGRsaWIuaD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+CiNpbmNs dWRlIDxzdHJpbmcuaD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPGVycm5vLmg+CgpzdGF0aWMgdm9p ZApmYWlsKGNvbnN0IGNoYXIgKnN0cikKewoJZnByaW50ZihzdGRlcnIsICJX OiAlc1xuIiwgc3RyKTsKCWV4aXQoRVhJVF9GQUlMVVJFKTsKfQoKaW50Cm1h aW4odm9pZCkKewoJaW50IGZsYWdzID0gZmNudGwoU1RET1VUX0ZJTEVOTywg Rl9HRVRGTCk7CglpZiAoZmxhZ3MgPT0gLTEpCgkJZmFpbCgiQ2Fubm90IGdl dCBzdGRvdXQgZmlsZSBzdGF0dXMgZmxhZ3MiKTsKCglpZiAoZmNudGwoU1RE T1VUX0ZJTEVOTywgRl9TRVRGTCwgZmxhZ3MgfCBPX05PTkJMT0NLKSA9PSAt MSkKCQlmYWlsKCJTZXR0aW5nIHN0ZG91dCB0byBub24tYmxvY2tpbmcgbW9k ZSBmYWlsZWQiKTsKCglzdGF0aWMgdW5zaWduZWQgY2hhciBidWZbNjQgPDwg MTBdOwoJaW50IGJsb2NraW5nID0gMDsKCWludCBpID0gMDsKCgl3aGlsZSAo aSA8IDI1NikKCXsKCQlpbnQgcmV0ID0gd3JpdGUoU1RET1VUX0ZJTEVOTywg YnVmLCBzaXplb2YoYnVmKSk7CgkJaWYgKHJldCA9PSAtMSAmJiBlcnJubyA9 PSBFQUdBSU4pCgkJewoJCQlibG9ja2luZysrOwoJCQljb250aW51ZTsKCQl9 CgoJCWlmIChyZXQgIT0gc2l6ZW9mKGJ1ZikpCgkJCWZhaWwoIlVuZXhwZWN0 ZWQgbnVtYmVyIG9mIGJ5dGVzIik7CgoJCW1lbXNldChidWYsICsraSwgc2l6 ZW9mKGJ1ZikpOwoJfQoKCWlmICghYmxvY2tpbmcpCgkJZmFpbCgiV2FzIG5l dmVyIGJsb2NraW5nLCByZWFkIHdhcyB0b28gZmFzdCIpOwoKCWlmIChmY250 bChTVERPVVRfRklMRU5PLCBGX1NFVEZMLCBmbGFncykgPT0gLTEpCgkJZmFp bCgiUmVzdG9yaW5nIHN0ZG91dCBmaWxlIHN0YXR1cyBmbGFncyBmYWlsZWQi KTsKCglpZiAoY2xvc2UoU1RET1VUX0ZJTEVOTykpCgkJZmFpbCgiRXJyb3Ig Y2xvc2luZyBzdGRvdXQiKTsKCglyZXR1cm4gRVhJVF9TVUNDRVNTOwp9Cg== --089e013d1d3c2ba6fc051d57a529 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple --089e013d1d3c2ba6fc051d57a529--