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E.g. $cd ~ $mkdir foo $vim ^Z [1] + 4936 suspended vim $vim ^Z [1] + 4936 continued vim [1] + 4936 suspended vim $cd foo $vim ^Z [1] + 4936 continued vim (pwd : ~) [1] + 4936 suspended vim (pwd now: ~/foo) $vim :q [1] + 4936 continued vim (pwd : ~) (pwd now: ~/foo) This happens every time with jobs and sometimes with other programs, like python printing lines. First time I thought it's because of a multi-line prompt, but changing it to a single-line one did nothing. Next thing I tried was messing with PROMPT_SP and PROMPT_CR, but one does not simply mess with nopromptcr and nopromptsp. The list of options (kshoptionprint) is as follows: noaliases off allexport off noalwayslastprompt off alwaystoend on noappendhistory off autocd on autocontinue off noautolist off noautomenu off autonamedirs on noautoparamkeys off noautoparamslash off autopushd on noautoremoveslash off autoresume on nobadpattern off nobanghist off nobareglobqual off bashautolist off bashrematch off nobeep off nobgnice on braceccl on bsdecho off nocaseglob on nocasematch off cbases off cdablevars on chasedots off chaselinks off nocheckjobs on noclobber on combiningchars on completealiases off completeinword on continueonerror off correct on correctall off cprecedences off cshjunkiehistory off cshjunkieloops off cshjunkiequotes off cshnullcmd off cshnullglob off nodebugbeforecmd off dvorak off emacs off noequals off errexit off errreturn off noevallineno off noexec off extendedglob on extendedhistory on noflowcontrol on forcefloat off nofunctionargzero off noglob off noglobalexport off noglobalrcs off globassign off globcomplete off globdots off globsubst off nohashcmds off nohashdirs off hashexecutablesonly off nohashlistall off histallowclobber off nohistbeep off histexpiredupsfirst on histfcntllock off histfindnodups on histignorealldups on histignoredups on histignorespace on histlexwords off histnofunctions off histnostore off histreduceblanks off nohistsavebycopy off histsavenodups on histsubstpattern off histverify on nohup on ignorebraces off ignoreclosebraces off ignoreeof off incappendhistory on incappendhistorytime off interactive on interactivecomments off ksharrays off kshautoload off kshglob off kshoptionprint on kshtypeset off kshzerosubscript off nolistambiguous off nolistbeep off listpacked off listrowsfirst off nolisttypes off localloops off localoptions off localpatterns off localtraps off login on longlistjobs on magicequalsubst off mailwarning off markdirs off menucomplete off monitor off nomultibyte off nomultifuncdef off nomultios off nonomatch off nonotify off nullglob off numericglobsort off octalzeroes off overstrike off pathdirs on pathscript off pipefail off posixaliases off posixargzero off posixbuiltins off posixcd off posixidentifiers off posixjobs off posixstrings off posixtraps off printeightbit off printexitvalue off privileged off promptbang off nopromptcr off nopromptpercent off nopromptsp off promptsubst off pushdignoredups on pushdminus off pushdsilent on pushdtohome on rcexpandparam off rcquotes on norcs off recexact off rematchpcre off restricted off rmstarsilent off rmstarwait off sharehistory on shfileexpansion off shglob off shinstdin on shnullcmd off shoptionletters off noshortloops off shwordsplit off singlecommand off singlelinezle off sourcetrace off sunkeyboardhack off transientrprompt off trapsasync off typesetsilent off nounset off verbose off vi off warncreateglobal off xtrace off zle off Am I missing something? Could someone comment on this? -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple