X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:date:from:reply-to:message-id:to:subject :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:content-type :content-transfer-encoding; q=dns; s=default; b=Rwpjwn1u08Xsy/dt QY39CTSfN98Fps8sY6BkD62puJ4Z08kgsZKMB7/oyReBaOKIp8sCGY4nsuai4FMY W+b6h1CxtMgcSmIRFxar+pVUz8NeTgQWkGcO3NoQuMVx1kYV0JoXWrxf/G6OD7qM I0uB5flcJavwPPyXoUfBggg2ihY= DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed; d=sourceware.org; h=list-id :list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-archive:list-post :list-help:sender:date:from:reply-to:message-id:to:subject :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:content-type :content-transfer-encoding; s=default; bh=qoca3ubDv54Q0TPJfpfHRC Kwhuo=; b=gd+nFLnIkShWz8kuceTtBf7UzxgGatkeFZRPq2FQFWrTTHOKVy7Wkg AaLQMM3MWk4cU/l6KaviblQZb70hGxYjf6ioLBNL4IZf+BV+vXlIo/DBcTyewm82 G9dP462yy11Ox0naieKUKu2CpdJgR1LFuZpBhRRE6bXRN056dZSgY= Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Authentication-Results: sourceware.org; auth=none X-Virus-Found: No X-Spam-SWARE-Status: No, score=3.9 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_50,FREEMAIL_FROM,KAM_THEBAT,MIME_BASE64_BLANKS,SPF_SOFTFAIL autolearn=no version=3.3.2 X-HELO: smtpback.ht-systems.ru Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 22:38:14 +0400 From: Andrey Repin Reply-To: Andrey Repin Message-ID: <164742880.20140213223814@mtu-net.ru> To: Achim Gratz , cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Subject: Re: get rid of getpwent? In-Reply-To: <87eh369a24.fsf@Rainer.invalid> References: <52F92D58 DOT 9030408 AT etr-usa DOT com> <52F95D1D DOT 4050108 AT tiscali DOT co DOT uk> <4510121021 DOT 20140211062515 AT mtu-net DOT ru> <52FAB14C DOT 8060800 AT tiscali DOT co DOT uk> <52FABAF5 DOT 2060701 AT etr-usa DOT com> <52FAD730 DOT 9090507 AT redhat DOT com> <20140212090804 DOT GM2821 AT calimero DOT vinschen DOT de> <52FB9E51 DOT 7030607 AT cornell DOT edu> <20140212195931 DOT GA2246 AT calimero DOT vinschen DOT de> <20140212213729 DOT GA5589 AT ednor DOT casa DOT cgf DOT cx> <20140213100025 DOT GB24159 AT calimero DOT vinschen DOT de> <87eh369a24 DOT fsf AT Rainer DOT invalid> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1251 X-IsSubscribed: yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by delorie.com id s1DIoPOB028157 Greetings, Achim Gratz! > Corinna Vinschen writes: >> Caching is wonderful for the usual requests for single entries from the >> DB, and for this we have already two caches, the LSA cache and Cygwin's >> own cache. But caching doesn't help at all when enumerating. > Would it be possible to only look (for user name completion purposes) at > the current user plus whatever is in %SystemDrive%\Users Assuming, the mentioned directory at all exists... And contain relevant data... And the data is full... and not redundant... Too many assumptions to work from. > plus whatever is found in /etc/passwd? > That way no beans are spilled about domain users that couldn't be gleaned > from the local file system and in almost all cases that's the list one would > want to complete from anyway. You have to know, how easy it is to confuse a user, who expect a file system being solid source of security-related information. Starting from profiles of nonexistent accounts, and down to relocated profiles and complete absence of the directory in question at all. -- WBR, Andrey Repin (anrdaemon AT yandex DOT ru) 13.02.2014, <22:34> Sorry for my terrible english...