X-Recipient: archive-cygwin AT delorie DOT com X-SWARE-Spam-Status: No, hits=-2.2 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 X-Spam-Check-By: sourceware.org X-VirusChecked: Checked X-Env-Sender: dk068x AT att DOT com X-Msg-Ref: server-14.tower-146.messagelabs.com!1246555236!5274285!1 X-StarScan-Version: 6.0.0; banners=-,-,- x-cr-puzzleid: {7C6E9B05-A948-46BF-8F97-CAD04E9AE88B} MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable x-cr-hashedpuzzle: zao= AahG AbDN AxqQ B5OV B6oL Cxtl C9dU EnGD E/Ye GczA GxgF IPWT JZpB K0Jq LfwE;1;YwB5AGcAdwBpAG4AQABjAHkAZwB3AGkAbgAuAGMAbwBtAA==;Sosha1_v1;7;{7C6E9B05-A948-46BF-8F97-CAD04E9AE88B};ZABrADAANgA4AHgAQABhAHQAdAAuAGMAbwBtAA==;Thu, 02 Jul 2009 17:20:24 GMT;QgBlAHMAdAAgAHcAYQB5ACAAdABvACAAYwByAGUAYQB0AGUAIABXAGkAbgBkAG8AdwBzACAALgBpAGMAbwAgAGYAaQBsAGUAIABmAG8AcgAgAEUAbQBhAGMAcwA/AA== Content-class: urn:content-classes:message Subject: Best way to create Windows .ico file for Emacs? Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 10:20:24 -0700 Message-ID: From: "KARR, DAVID (ATTCINW)" To: X-IsSubscribed: yes Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com I'm sure this is a FAQ, but I've spent several minutes searching resources for the proper way to do this, but I just can't find it. I have Cygwin Emacs 23.0.92 installed, which includes the "emacs.icon" file, which I believe is an XPM file. I need to create a Windows ICO file. Searching the net, I find 8 zillion tools for image conversion, including many that provide the path that I need (xpm->ico), but what I'm wondering is if there's a tool already installed (or available) with Cygwin that can do this. I looked through the ImageMagick man page and didn't see it, which was the only obvious thing I knew to look at. -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple