Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 11:10:03 -0800 (PST) From: Andrew Que Subject: FOLLOWUP: 1.5.12: problems without registry keys To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-955808160-1102533003=:40461" Note-from-DJ: This may be spam --0-955808160-1102533003=:40461 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Id: Content-Disposition: inline I apologise ahead of time, I could not for the life of me figure out how to send a reply to a thread. The original thread is 101373: "1.5.12: problems without registry keys" In my original post, I noted not all apps crashed without the registry key. So, I tried to narrow it down. It looks like apps. that use semaphores lock up every time. I attached an example of an app that will lock up without the registry keys present. To compile: gcc Semaphore.cpp -o Semaphore.exe (PS. The example is just a semaphore coalition test-- and it's terrible code) Andrew Que email: cygwin at drque dot net ( > I have a custom app. (linux or windows) I've been > compiling with cygwin for about 6 months. It use to > run fine on any computer as long as there was a copy > of "cygwin1.dll" along with the exe. > Now (ver 1.5.12) the app just hangs on any computer > that doesn't have cygwin installed. After a lot of > hair pulling, I think I've discovered the issue. In > the registry, there are a set of keys for the cygwin's > mount points. For some applications (such as mine), I > fount you will need these registry keys or the app > will simply hang. > My application is a bit complicated to explain, but > usually froze at some point trying to open a file > stream. But some other apps I compiled didn't have > this issue. The app uses pthreads and semaphores (the > functioning app did not). I could answerer any > questions or possibility write some code to reproduce > this problem if it would help. > Even if they registry keys don't point to anything > valid, the application still runs. Says to me, > cygwin1.dll just needs the keys to exist. > I have a working solution, but I thought I'd post > this in case someone else is banging their head on a > desk somewhere. > > > Andrew Que > email: cygwin at drque dot net > ( __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less. --0-955808160-1102533003=:40461 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Semaphore.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: Semaphore.cpp Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Semaphore.cpp" I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGxpYi5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+DQojaW5j bHVkZSA8cHRocmVhZC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHNlbWFwaG9yZS5oPg0KI2lu Y2x1ZGUgPHVuaXN0ZC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPGVycm5vLmg+DQojaW5jbHVk ZSA8c3RyaW5ncy5oPg0KDQpzZW1fdCBzZW07DQoNCmJvb2wgdm9sYXRpbGUg SXNSdW5uaW5nID0gdHJ1ZTsNCmNoYXIgdm9sYXRpbGUgU3RhdGVzWyA2IF0g PSAid3d3d3ciOw0KDQpzdGF0aWMgdm9pZCogVGVzdF9UaHJlYWQoIHZvaWQq IFdhaXRUaW1lUGFyYW1ldGVyICkNCnsNCiAgIGludCBXYWl0VGltZSA9ICoo aW50KilXYWl0VGltZVBhcmFtZXRlcjsNCg0KICAgd2hpbGUgKCBJc1J1bm5p bmcgKQ0KICAgew0KICAgICBTdGF0ZXNbIFdhaXRUaW1lIF0gPSAndyc7DQog ICAgIHNlbV93YWl0KCAmc2VtICk7DQoNCiAgICAgaWYgKCBzdHJjbXAoIChj aGFyKilTdGF0ZXMgLCAid3d3d3ciICkgIT0gMCApDQogICAgICAgcHJpbnRm KCAiXG5Db2xsaXNpb246ICVzIFxuIiAsIFN0YXRlcyApOw0KDQogICAgIFN0 YXRlc1sgV2FpdFRpbWUgXSA9ICdzJzsNCg0KICAgICB1c2xlZXAoIDEwMDAw MCApOw0KDQogICAgIFN0YXRlc1sgV2FpdFRpbWUgXSA9ICd3JzsNCiAgICAg c2VtX3Bvc3QoICZzZW0gKTsNCiAgIH0NCg0KICAgcmV0dXJuIE5VTEw7DQp9 DQoNCmNvbnN0IGludCBXYWl0MSA9IDA7DQpjb25zdCBpbnQgV2FpdDIgPSAx Ow0KY29uc3QgaW50IFdhaXQzID0gMjsNCmNvbnN0IGludCBXYWl0NCA9IDM7 DQpjb25zdCBpbnQgV2FpdDUgPSA0Ow0KDQpjbGFzcyBUaHJlYWRDbGFzcw0K ew0KICBwcm90ZWN0ZWQ6DQogICBwdGhyZWFkX3QgVGhyZWFkOw0KDQogIHB1 YmxpYzoNCiAgIFRocmVhZENsYXNzKCANCiAgICAgdm9pZCogKCpGdW5jdGlv bikodm9pZCopICwgDQogICAgIHZvaWQqIFBhcmFtZXRlcnMgPSBOVUxMICkN CiAgIHsNCiAgICAgaWYgKCBwdGhyZWFkX2NyZWF0ZSggJlRocmVhZCAsIE5V TEwgLCAqRnVuY3Rpb24gLCBQYXJhbWV0ZXJzICkgKSANCiAgICAgICBleGl0 KCBFWElUX0ZBSUxVUkUgKTsNCiAgIH0NCg0KICAgflRocmVhZENsYXNzKCkN CiAgIHsNCiAgICAgcHRocmVhZF9qb2luKCBUaHJlYWQgLCBOVUxMICk7DQog ICB9DQogDQp9Ow0KDQpzdGF0aWMgVGhyZWFkQ2xhc3MgWWVyTW9tVGhyZWFk MSggVGVzdF9UaHJlYWQgLCAodm9pZCopJldhaXQxICk7CnN0YXRpYyBUaHJl YWRDbGFzcyBZZXJNb21UaHJlYWQyKCBUZXN0X1RocmVhZCAsICh2b2lkKikm V2FpdDIgKTsKc3RhdGljIFRocmVhZENsYXNzIFllck1vbVRocmVhZDMoIFRl c3RfVGhyZWFkICwgKHZvaWQqKSZXYWl0MyApOwpzdGF0aWMgVGhyZWFkQ2xh c3MgWWVyTW9tVGhyZWFkNCggVGVzdF9UaHJlYWQgLCAodm9pZCopJldhaXQ0 ICk7CnN0YXRpYyBUaHJlYWRDbGFzcyBZZXJNb21UaHJlYWQ1KCBUZXN0X1Ro cmVhZCAsICh2b2lkKikmV2FpdDUgKTsKDQp2b2lkKiBTY3JlZW4oIHZvaWQq ICkNCnsNCiAgIHdoaWxlICggSXNSdW5uaW5nICkNCiAgIHsNCiAgICAgcHJp bnRmKCAiJXNcciIgLCBTdGF0ZXMgKTsNCiAgICAgZmZsdXNoKCBzdGRvdXQg KTsNCiAgICAgdXNsZWVwKCAxMDAgKTsNCiAgIH0NCg0KICAgcmV0dXJuIE5V TEw7DQp9DQoNCnN0YXRpYyBUaHJlYWRDbGFzcyBTY3JlZW5UaHJlYWQoIFNj cmVlbiApOwoNCmludCBtYWluKCkNCnsNCiAgIHNsZWVwKCAzMCApOw0KDQog ICBJc1J1bm5pbmcgPSBmYWxzZTsNCg0KICAgcHJpbnRmKCAiU2h1dGluZyBk b3duLi4uXG4iICk7DQogICBzbGVlcCggMSApOw0KfQ0K --0-955808160-1102533003=:40461 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: --0-955808160-1102533003=:40461--