Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 11:09:52 +0200 From: Pavel Kudrna User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425 X-Accept-Language: en,pdf, cs MIME-Version: 1.0 To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Subject: Broken pipe in bison 20030307-1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------060807090505090409040008" --------------060807090505090409040008 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I received Broken pipe error when compiling evaluator.y (in the attachment of this message) file with bison 20030307-1: $ bison evaluator.y evaluator.y: conflicts: 14 shift/reduce Broken pipe With bison 1.875-1 it is OK, i.e. there is no error and file seems to be translated to correctly. With greetings Pavel Kudrna. --------------060807090505090409040008 Content-Type: text/plain; name="evaluator.y" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="evaluator.y" /* This is the evaluator */ %{ #include /* For math functions, cos(), sin(), etc. */ #include "evaluator.h" /* Contains definition of `symrec' */ %} %union { float val; /* For returning numbers. */ symrec *tptr; /* For returning symbol-table pointers */ float *indirect_val; /* For using external data */ } %token NUM /* Simple float precision number */ %token VAR FNCT IVAR /* Variable and Function */ %type exp %right '=' %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG /* Negation--unary minus */ %right '^' /* Exponentiation */ /* Grammar follows */ %% input: /* empty */ | input line ; line: '\n' | exp '\n' { EVAL_RESULT=$1; } | error '\n' { yyerrok; } ; exp: NUM { $$ = $1; } | VAR { $$ = $1->value.var; } | IVAR { $$ = *($1->value.ivar); } | VAR '=' exp { $$ = $3; $1->value.var = $3; } | IVAR '=' exp { $$ = *($1->value.ivar) = $3; } | FNCT '(' exp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); } | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5); } | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5,$7); } | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5,$7,$9); } | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5,$7,$9,$11); } | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp ',' exp')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3,$5,$7,$9,$11,$13); } | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; } | exp '%' exp { $$ = fmod($1,$3); } | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } | exp '^' exp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); } | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; /* End of grammar */ %% /* HERE BEGINS THE CODE FOR THE SYMOL TABLE */ #include struct init_func { char *fname; float (*fnct)(); }; struct init_var { char *vname; float value; }; struct init_func arith_fncts[] = { "sin", SINW, "cos", COSW, "atan", ATANW, "ln", LOGW, "exp", EXPW, "sqrt", SQRTW, "pow", POWW, "step",step, "pulse",pulse, "ramp",ramp, 0, 0 }; struct init_var init_vars[] = { "PI", 3.141592654, /* "e", 2.18281828, ! bad constant */ "e", 2.718281828, 0,0 }; /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'. */ symrec *init_table (symrec *symbol_table) /* puts arithmetic functions in table. */ { int i; for (i = 0; arith_fncts[i].fname != 0; i++) { symbol_table = putsym (symbol_table,arith_fncts[i].fname, FNCT); symbol_table->value.fnctptr = arith_fncts[i].fnct; } for (i = 0; init_vars[i].vname !=0; i++) { symbol_table = putsym (symbol_table, init_vars[i].vname,VAR); symbol_table->value.var = init_vars[i].value; } return symbol_table; } void delete_table (symrec *symbol_table) /* puts arithmetic functions in table. */ { int i; symrec *ptr,*old; for(ptr=symbol_table;ptr!=(symrec *)0; old=ptr,ptr=(symrec *) ptr->next,free(old->name),free(old)); } symrec * putsym (symrec *sym_table,char *sym_name,int sym_type) { symrec *ptr; ptr = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec)); ptr->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1); strcpy (ptr->name,sym_name); ptr->type = sym_type; ptr->value.var = 0; /* set value to 0 even if fctn. */ ptr->next = (struct symrec *)sym_table; return ptr; } symrec * getsym (symrec *sym_table,char *sym_name) { symrec *ptr; for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symrec *) 0; ptr = (symrec *)ptr->next) if (strcmp (ptr->name,sym_name) == 0) return ptr; return 0; } /* THIS IS THE LEXER */ /* Some helper functions for the lexer */ int Sindex; char *EVAL_STRING; float EVAL_RESULT; symrec *SYMBOL_TABLE; char Sgetchar() { Sindex++; return EVAL_STRING[(Sindex-1)]; } void Sungetc() { Sindex--; } float Sgetnum() { float value; char c; sscanf(EVAL_STRING + Sindex,"%f",&value); do { Sindex++; c=EVAL_STRING[Sindex]; } while( isdigit(c) || c==0 || c=='e' || c=='E' || c=='.' || ((c=='-'||c=='+') && (EVAL_STRING[Sindex-1]=='e' || EVAL_STRING[Sindex-1]=='E')) ); return value; } #include yylex () { int c; /* Ignore whitespace, get first nonwhite character. */ while ((c = Sgetchar ()) == ' ' || c == '\t'); if (c == 0) return 0; /* Char starts a number => parse the number. */ if (c == '.' || isdigit (c)) { Sungetc (); yylval.val=Sgetnum(); return NUM; } /* Char starts an identifier => read the name. */ if (isalpha (c)) { symrec *s; static char *symbuf = 0; static int length = 0; int i; /* Initially make the buffer long enough for a 40-character symbol name. */ if (length == 0) length = 40, symbuf = (char *)malloc (length + 1); i = 0; do { /* If buffer is full, make it bigger. */ if (i == length) { length *= 2; symbuf = (char *)realloc (symbuf, length + 1); } /* Add this character to the buffer. */ symbuf[i++] = c; /* Get another character. */ c = Sgetchar (); } while (c != 0 && (isalnum (c)|| c=='_')); Sungetc (); symbuf[i] = '\0'; s = getsym (SYMBOL_TABLE,symbuf); if (s == 0) s=SYMBOL_TABLE = putsym (SYMBOL_TABLE,symbuf, VAR); yylval.tptr = s; return s->type; } /* Any other character is a token by itself. */ return c; } /* THIS IS THE MAIN */ /* main () { init_table (); yyparse (); } */ yyerror (s) /* Called by yyparse on error */ char *s; { printf ("%s: %s\n", s,EVAL_STRING); exit(1); /* DIE! DIE! DIE! */ } /* THE END */ --------------060807090505090409040008 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: --------------060807090505090409040008--