Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com X-Authentication-Warning: pechtcha owned process doing -bs Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 20:46:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Igor Pechtchanski Reply-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com To: "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc.)" cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Subject: Re: devices and mount points In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Importance: Normal MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="-559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393" ---559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Mon, 12 May 2003, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc.) wrote: > Robert Citek wrote: > > Hello all, > > > > Is there an easy way to discover what device is mounted to what drive? > > > > Specifically, I have a CD drive. If I put a CD into the drive, I can > > access it at the filesystem level as /cygdrive/d/. However, mount does not > > tell me what device the CD drive is. It only says d: is mounted on > > /cygdrive/d/. I eventually discovered that is was /dev/scd4, but not > > before trying devices /dev/scd[0-3]. > > > > To get a list of all devices I tried 'ls -la /dev/*' but that did not work. > > I also searched the archives using "CD device" and "/dev/ mount" but did > > not see anything relevant. > > > > Any pointers? > > Cygwin mount is not the same as a UNIX mount. It doesn't mention (or > need) devices. It's really just a mapping of one file system notation > into another. Cygwin emulates certain common UNIX devices but these are > virtual. They don't show up in the file system by default (you can create > explicit names for them if you like). The best way to find out the > currently supported virtual devices is to grep through the Cygwin code > for them. Here are a couple of scripts (well, one's a batch file) I whipped up a while ago to create physical zero-length files so that "ls /dev" works correctly. They should be run from "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/dev", the .bat first, and then the .sh to create symbolic links. I was going to suggest putting them in the base-files package, but with the coming of mkdev(), /dev will cease to be a virtual directory, so there is really no point. Use 'em while you can! ;-) Igor -- |\ _,,,---,,_ pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ igor AT watson DOT ibm DOT com |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow! Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. -- Leto II ---559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="create_devices.bat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="create_devices.bat" QGVjaG8gb2ZmDQpSRU0gQ3JlYXRlIGRldmljZXMsIHBhcnQgMQ0KUkVNIEF1 dGhvcjogSWdvciBQZWNodGNoYW5za2kgPHBlY2h0Y2hhQGNzLm55dS5lZHU+ DQpSRU0NClJFTSBBbGwgZGV2aWNlcyBvZiBhIGNlcnRhaW4gdHlwZSB0byBi ZSBjcmVhdGVkIC0gYWRkIGlmIG1vcmUgbmVlZGVkDQpzZXQgQUxMPTAgMSAy IDMgNCA1IDYgNyA4IDkgMTAgMTEgMTIgMTMgMTQgMTUNCg0KUkVNIC0gY29u c29sZSAoMSwqKQ0KZm9yICUlaSBpbiAoY29uaW4gY29ub3V0KSBkbyBlY2hv IG9mZiA+ICUlaQ0KUkVNIC0gdHR5IG1hc3RlciAoNCwqKQ0KZm9yICUlaSBp biAodHR5bSkgZG8gZWNobyBvZmYgPiAlJWkNClJFTSAtIHR0eSAoNSwqKQ0K Zm9yICUlaSBpbiAoJUFMTCUpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gdHR5JSVpDQpSRU0g LSBwdHkgbWFzdGVyICg2LCopDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluIChwdG14KSBkbyBlY2hv IG9mZiA+ICUlaQ0KUkVNIC0gc2VyaWFsICg3LCopDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluICgl QUxMJSkgZG8gZWNobyBvZmYgPiB0dHlTJSVpDQpSRU0gICBUT0RPOiBzaG91 bGQgd2UgZG8gY29tKiBhcyB3ZWxsPw0KUkVNIC0gd2luZG93cyAoMTIsKikN CmZvciAlJWkgaW4gKHdpbmRvd3MpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gJSVpDQoNClJF TSAtIGZsb3BweSAoMTcsMC4uMTUpDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluICgwIDEgMikgZG8g ZWNobyBvZmYgPiBmZCUlaQ0KUkVNIC0gY2Ryb20gKDE3LDE2Li4zMSkNCmZv ciAlJWkgaW4gKDAgMSAyKSBkbyBlY2hvIG9mZiA+IHNjZCUlaQ0KUkVNIC0g aGFyZCBkaXNrcyAoMTcsMzIuLjIyMykNCmZvciAlJWogaW4gKGEgYiBjKSBk byBmb3IgJSVpIGluICguIDEgMikgZG8gZWNobyBvZmYgPiBzZCUlaiUlaQ0K UkVNIC0gdGFwZSBbcmV3aW5kXSAoMTgsMC4uMTI3KQ0KZm9yICUlaSBpbiAo MCAxIDIpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gc3QlJWkNClJFTSAtIHRhcGUgW25vcmV3 aW5kXSAoMTgsMTI4Li4yNTUpDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluICgwIDEgMikgZG8gZWNo byBvZmYgPiBuc3QlJWkNCg0KUkVNIC0gbnVsbCAoMTksKikNCmZvciAlJWkg aW4gKG51bGwpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gJSVpDQpSRU0gLSB6ZXJvICgyMCwq KQ0KZm9yICUlaSBpbiAoemVybykgZG8gZWNobyBvZmYgPiAlJWkNClJFTSAt IHJhbmRvbSAoMjEsKikNCmZvciAlJWkgaW4gKHJhbmRvbSB1cmFuZG9tKSBk byBlY2hvIG9mZiA+ICUlaQ0KUkVNIC0gbWVtICgyMiwqKQ0KZm9yICUlaSBp biAobWVtIHBvcnQpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gJSVpDQpSRU0gLSBjbGlwYm9h cmQgKDIzLCopDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluIChjbGlwYm9hcmQpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2Zm ID4gJSVpDQpSRU0gLSBkc3AgKDI0LCopDQpmb3IgJSVpIGluIChkc3ApIGRv IGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gJSVpDQoNClJFTSBDcmVhdGUgcGlwZXMNCmZvciAlJWkg aW4gKHBpcGUgcGlwZXIgcGlwZXcpIGRvIGVjaG8gb2ZmID4gJSVpDQpSRU0g Q3JlYXRlIHNvY2tldHMNCmZvciAlJWkgaW4gKHRjcCB1ZHAgc3RyZWFtc29j a2V0IGRnc29ja2V0KSBkbyBlY2hvIG9mZiA+ICUlaQ0KDQo= ---559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" IyEvYmluL3NoDQojIENyZWF0ZSBkZXZpY2VzLCBwYXJ0IDINCiMgQXV0aG9y OiBJZ29yIFBlY2h0Y2hhbnNraSA8cGVjaHRjaGFAY3Mubnl1LmVkdT4NCiMN CiMgQ3JlYXRlIHN5bWJvbGljIGxpbmtzDQpbICEgLWUgY29uc29sZSBdICYm IGxuIC1zIHR0eSBjb25zb2xlDQpbICEgLWUgZmxvcHB5IF0gICYmIGxuIC1z IGZkMCBmbG9wcHkNClsgISAtZSBjZHJvbSBdICAgJiYgbG4gLXMgc2NkMCBj ZHJvbQ0KWyAhIC1lIHRhcGUgXSAgICAmJiBsbiAtcyBzdDAgdGFwZQ0KWyAh IC1lIGF1ZGlvIF0gICAmJiBsbiAtcyBkc3AgYXVkaW8NCg0K ---559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: ---559023410-1691952160-1052786765=:393--