Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT cygwin DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com Mail-Followup-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT cygwin DOT com X-Injected-Via-Gmane: To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com From: Rolf Campbell Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.3.21-1 Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:16:27 -0500 Lines: 26 Message-ID: References: <20030312173132 DOT C16261C221 AT redhat DOT com> <20030313075151 DOT GC26766 AT redhat DOT com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Complaints-To: usenet AT main DOT gmane DOT org User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210 X-Accept-Language: en-us, en In-Reply-To: <> Christopher Faylor wrote: > On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 06:02:22PM -0500, Rolf Campbell wrote: > >>Christopher Faylor wrote: >> >>>I've made a new version of the Cygwin DLL and associated utilities >>>available for download. As usual, a list of what has changed is below. >>> >>>- Fix setsid problem where processes did not correctly detach from a >>> console. (Christopher Faylor) >> >>I commonly run a compilation from within GNU Emacs. I've never had any >>problems with this until I tried running 1.3.21-1. I think it has to do >>with the changes to the console handling. > > > Yeah, and isn't it a *shame* that when I suggest that people should try > a snapshot, they never do? The only way I have to test new features is > to release a new version of cygwin, apparently. And, then listen to the > complaints. That was a bug-report, not a complaint. And I generally do try snapshots, but I missed it just this once (so of course it would affect me). > I'm looking forward to seeing someone debug what the problem is here. Me too. -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: