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Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 14:44:55 +0200
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To: cygwin <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Subject: Re: DBD::Oracle won't build under Cygwin Perl + more ...
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Hi, I'm copy liboci.a to /usr/lib but Makefile.PL doesn't work. I have 
the same error.

Thanks a lot,


Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

>Hallo Lucio,
>>>Yes, create an importlib from oci.dll.
>>how can I  create an imporlib form oci.dll?. This are the steps that I
>>follow, but it doesn't work.
>>    1.- I use impdef to create the export file. In c:\Oracle\Ora81\BIN:
>>                impdef oci.dll > oci.def
>>          The oci.def is in the attachments.
>>    2.- In cygwin, in ~/tmp/DBD-Oracle-1.12, I run dlltool to produce 
>>liboci.a. First, I copy oci.def from c:\Oracle\Ora81\BIN to 
>>c:\cygwin\home\lpe�a\tmp\DBD-Oracle-1.12 -where there is the Makefile.PL-.
>>                dlltool --def oci.def --output-lib libfoo.a -k
>                                                    liboci.a <---?
>>    3.- I run Makefile.PL in cygwin ~/tmp/DBD-Oracle-1.12 and the output 
>>still is incorrect
>>                Note (probably harmless): No library found for -loci
>It needs the lib to link against.
>>                Using DBD::Oracle 1.12.
>>                Using DBI 1.30 installed in 
>>                Writing Makefile for DBD::Oracle
>>    4.- I copy liboci.a in LD_RUN_PATH, but I have the same output.
>>    What I'm doing wrong?
>Copy liboci.a to /usr/lib

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