Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com From: "Jonadab the Unsightly One" Organization: There is no organisation. To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 21:08:18 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: RE: CYGWIN1.DLL Reply-to: jonadab AT bright DOT net Message-ID: <3B55FAC2.195.CF5E5F@localhost> In-reply-to: <17B78BDF120BD411B70100500422FC6309E2E3@IIS000> X-Eric-Conspiracy: My name is not Eric. X-Platform: Windows '95 OSR2 (heavily adjusted and customised) X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12) # If I install a cygwin1.dll with my program, where should I install it? # obviously in some directory that is in the *standard* path for windows That is not obvious. If Cygwin itself installs cygwin1.dll, it could reasonably put it in a public place like that (although what it does instead is at least as reasonable), but if you distribute cygwin1.dll with something else, the most probably place to put it is in the directory where you install your program. This does not solve all of the potential problems, but it solves a couple of them: 1. You will not accidentally overwrite the dll that Cygwin installed (with potentially a different version), thus trashing the Cygwin installation (if there is one). A Cygwin upgrade will also not impact your app directly, in terms of files installed on the drive. (What's in memory at any given time is another matter.) 2. If the user uninstalls Cygwin, but keeps your app, it will still work. 3. Since your copy of the DLL is with your app, the user at least knows what's what. This is lost on clueless users but important for advanced users trying to track down conflicts. 4. If your app's install directory is customiseable, users can install multiple versions of your app, provided they don't try to execute them simultaneously. The problem you do NOT solve by this is that if the user tries to run your app and some other Cygwin app at the same time there can be problems in RAM, at runtime. Order might matter, and other oddities. # So if I install my program AFTER cygwin, I got two cygwin1.dll and if I # install cygwin after my program I got only one, but my program probably no # longer run... The above solves this, too. The unsolved problem is that it is not safe to run your program and another Cygwin program at the same time in arbitrary order, unless care is taken to synchronise versions at every upgrade. Welcome to the DLL Gaza. # The only satisfying solution I've found personally is # delivering a reduced (ought to be minimal but is not) # cygwin install with my program (on the same CDROM). Simply *requiring* cygwin (and saying "you need at least versions such-and-such) is an option that seems to solve most of the problems; you could include a Cygwin install that will work for those who don't have it, but keep it optional so that any who *have* Cygwin can skip it. If the Cygwin DLL is fully backward-compatible, I think this solves pretty near all the problems. I think. Probably. Unless I'm missing something. -- Your font seems to be: proportional fixed ^ | (Fontmeter only accurate for about 90% of fonts.) -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: