Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 12:23:13 -0400 From: "Charles S. Wilson" User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010131 Netscape6/6.01 X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Brian Michael Genisio CC: cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Subject: Re: cygipc does not seem to work!!! References: <200106191932 DOT f5JJWm532232 AT pilot14 DOT cl DOT msu DOT edu> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Note that Brian has already contacted me (as the cygipc maintainer) -- but I'm at a loss. So I referred him here. It looks like an ownership/permissions problem, but I really don't understand the underlying windows IPC mechanisms on which cygipc was based, so I'm not sure about how permissions are handled. (I didn't write cygipc; I just saved it from death on the net and put in on my web page). Here's a thought: Brian, you're not using the '--tight-security' option with the background ipc-daemon process, are you? --Chuck Brian Michael Genisio wrote: > Hello Cygwin people, > > I am trying to get a very simple shared memory application to work. It works > find in linux and solaris, but in cygwin... no luck. > > I create the memory and attach to it with : > shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 100, IPC_CREAT|0777); > strp = (char *)shmat(shmid, 0, 0); > > The other app gets the shmid through stdout, and through a command arg. It > opens it with : > strp = (char *)shmat(shmid, 0, 0); > > The problem is that the second application cannot open the shared memory until > the first application has terminated!!! Once it does, it can read the memory > with no problem. Unfortunately, it is difficult for them to communicate when > the first program has already exited. > > I have tested it by starting the creator program, and running ipcs. ipcs does > not recognize the memory either, until the program has exited. > > Any ideas? Has anyone else gotten it to work? Shared memory isnt that > difficult... and I am not sure why I am having this problem. > > Thanks, > Brian > > > > > > -- > --------------------------- > \\|// Brian Genisio > (o o) genisiob AT pilot DOT msu DOT edu > ~~oOOo~(_)~oOOo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > > > > > -- > Want to unsubscribe from this list? > Check out: -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: