Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Subject: Re: Output of size. To: "Michael A. Chase" Cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.1 (Intl) 16 July 1999 Message-ID: From: oddvard DOT myrnes AT stoltoffshore DOT no Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 08:22:35 +0200 X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on SCS-SVG-G01/SRV/SCS(Release 5.0.5 |September 22, 2000) at 05/21/2001 08:22:38 AM MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Back again after the weekend :-) Let me just explain what I want a little better. I am looking for some documentation that will enable me to find the right flags when linking my application to a sybase library. Yes, I have submitted this to the Sybase support desk, but it is slow and buroucratic. Since this list deals with Cygwin, and I am using Cygwin, I thought that a pointer to some documentation could be produced by the people. And I still belive that. I am looking for a document that can explain what the size -A output is! I have read the manpage and could not understand it. I whould like to understand it better so I can tune my linker. The non working dll has no .bss, idata and edata section. A 'size -A' on /bin/libcygwin.dll lists the same as the 10.0 sybase library that works. It has .bss, idata and edata sections. So I am stretching my luck and ask again; can somebody point to a document that will explain why one dll (any dll) has more sections than others, and what these sections are? Oddvard "Michael A. Chase" To: , Subject: Re: Output of size. 18.05.2001 16:10 You should probably be asking this on a Sybase list. I don't see what this has to do with Cygwin. -- Mac :}) Give a hobbit a fish and he'll eat fish for a day. Give a hobbit a ring and he'll eat fish for an age. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 05:52 Subject: Output of size. > I have some trouble with a lirary. > > size -A /opt/sybase11/dll.12/libsybdb.dll > /opt/sybase11/dll.12/libsybdb.dll : > section size addr > .text 192512 268439552 > .rdata 23552 268632064 > .data 44032 268656640 > .reloc 8704 268713984 > Total 268800 > > > SCS-R1FR4 58: size -A /opt/sybase11/dll/libsybdb.dll > /opt/sybase11/dll/libsybdb.dll : > section size addr > .text 289280 268439552 > .bss 10372 268730368 > .rdata 512 268742656 > .data 46592 268746752 > .idata 9728 268795904 > .edata 14336 268808192 > .reloc 10752 268824576 > Total 381572 > > Running with the older SYBASE 10.0 (last one) I am able to speak with > SYBASE. Using the > newest version 12 library (first) the application fails. Can somebody give > me a pointer or two > on where I can find info? I have read the man page (even read objdump > manpage) but I could > not understand it. Pointer to a document regarding the format of a object > whould be nice. -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: