Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Subject: Example Serial I/O Code To: cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com From: Brian DOT P DOT Kasper AT aero DOT org Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 08:30:47 -0700 Message-Id: X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ladir01/AeroNet/Aerospace/US(Release 5.0.5 |September 22, 2000) at 04/09/2001 08:30:48 AM MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I received enough requests for my example POSIX serial I/O code that I think it's worth the bandwidth to simply post the code to this list. For those of you to whom I've already sent the code, this is a more fully-functional example which implements a *very* dumb terminal. To build, save the below text to a file named 'posix_demo.cpp' and type gcc -o posix_demo.exe posix_demo.cpp -Brian ** Begin included text ** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int kbport = -1; int posix_com_close(int port) { int rtnval = 0; if (port != -1) { rtnval = (int) close(port); } return(rtnval); } int posix_com_open(char *devicename, int rate, char parity, int databits, int stopbits, int options) { int rtnval = 0; struct termios t; int local_databits = 0, local_stopbits = 0, local_parity = 0, local_rate = 0; char upper_parity = 0; /* Check for valid values */ upper_parity = toupper(parity); if (((databits == 5) || (databits == 6) || (databits == 7) || (databits == 8)) && ((stopbits == 2) || (stopbits == 1)) && ((upper_parity == 'N') || (upper_parity == 'O') || (upper_parity == 'E')) && ((rate == 50) || (rate == 75) || (rate == 110) || (rate == 134) || (rate == 150) || (rate == 200) || (rate == 300) || (rate == 600) || (rate == 1200) || (rate == 1800) || (rate == 2400) || (rate == 4800) || (rate == 9600) || (rate == 19200) || (rate == 38400) || (rate == 57600) || (rate == 115200))) { /* Open the com port for read/write access */ rtnval = open(devicename,O_RDWR); if (rtnval != -1) { /* Set the parity, data bits, and stop bits */ switch(databits) { case 5 : local_databits = CS5; break; case 6 : local_databits = CS6; break; case 7 : local_databits = CS7; break; case 8 : local_databits = CS8; break; } if (stopbits == 2) local_stopbits = CSTOPB; else local_stopbits = 0; switch(upper_parity) { case 'E' : local_parity = PARENB; break; case 'O' : local_parity |= PARODD; break; } } t.c_iflag = IGNPAR; t.c_oflag = 0; t.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; /* Zero out the CSIZE bits */ t.c_cflag = CLOCAL | local_databits | local_stopbits | local_parity | options; t.c_lflag = IEXTEN; /* Set the data rate */ switch(rate) { case 50 : local_rate = B50; break; case 75 : local_rate = B75; break; case 110 : local_rate = B110; break; case 134 : local_rate = B134; break; case 150 : local_rate = B150; break; case 200 : local_rate = B200; break; case 300 : local_rate = B300; break; case 600 : local_rate = B600; break; case 1200 : local_rate = B1200; break; case 1800 : local_rate = B1800; break; case 2400 : local_rate = B2400; break; case 4800 : local_rate = B4800; break; case 9600 : local_rate = B9600; break; case 19200 : local_rate = B19200; break; case 38400 : local_rate = B38400; break; #ifndef __OS_IRIX case 57600 : local_rate = B57600; break; case 115200 : local_rate = B115200; break; #endif } if ((cfsetispeed(&t,local_rate) != -1) && (cfsetospeed(&t,local_rate) != -1)) { if (tcsetattr(rtnval,TCSANOW,&t) == -1) rtnval = -1; } else rtnval = -1; } else rtnval = -1; return(rtnval); } int posix_com_dataready(int port) { struct timeval tvptr; fd_set rset; int status = -1; int rtnval = 0; if (port != -1) { /* Zero out the seconds and microseconds so we don't block */ tvptr.tv_sec = 0; tvptr.tv_usec = 0; /* Initialize the read set to zero */ FD_ZERO(&rset); /* And now turn on the read set */ FD_SET(port,&rset); status = select(port + 1,&rset,NULL,NULL,&tvptr); if (status == -1) /* Error */ { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: dataready(): select() returned -1\n"); rtnval = 0; } else if (status > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(port,&rset)) { rtnval = 1; } } } return(rtnval); } char posix_com_read(int port, char *dst) { if (port != -1) return(read(port,dst,1) == 1); else return(0); } char posix_com_write(int port, char src) { if (port != -1) return(write(port,&src,1) == 1); else return(0); } int posix_com_write_string(int port, char *src) { int rtnval = 0; if (src != (char *) NULL) { if (port != -1) { while (*src) { posix_com_write(port,*src++); rtnval++; } } } return(rtnval); } int posix_kbhit(void) { int rtnval = 0; fd_set rset; static struct timeval tvptr; struct termios tty; int status = 0; if (kbport == -1) { /* Open the controlling terminal for read-only access */ kbport = open(ctermid(NULL),O_RDONLY); if (kbport > -1) { /* Get the terminal attributes */ if (tcgetattr(kbport,&tty) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: unable to get tty attributes for %s\n",ctermid(NULL)); exit(-1); } else { tty.c_iflag = 0x0000; /* We don't need any input flags */ tty.c_oflag = ONLCR | OPOST; tty.c_cflag = CREAD | CSIZE; tty.c_lflag = IEXTEN; /* Note - noncanonical mode, since no ICANON */ tty.c_cc[VERASE] = 0x7F; /* Since we're in noncanonical mode, we ignore backspace, and its value *should* be 127; to enable me to handle it, I make *sure* it's 127, and then have a special case to map 127 to 8 (^H) inside posix_getkey() */ if (tcsetattr(kbport,TCSANOW,&tty) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: unable to set tty attributes for %s\n",ctermid(NULL)); } } /* Set up our "return immediately" structure for select */ tvptr.tv_sec = 0; tvptr.tv_usec = 0; } } /* Initialize the read set to zero */ FD_ZERO(&rset); /* And now turn on the read set */ FD_SET(kbport,&rset); status = select(kbport + 1,&rset,NULL,NULL,&tvptr); if (status == -1) /* Error */ { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: posix_kbhit(): select() returned -1\n"); exit(-1); } else if (status > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(kbport,&rset)) { rtnval = 1; } } return(rtnval); } char posix_getkey(char *dst) { char *extended_key = NULL; int extended_key_length = 0, numread = 0; char ch = 0; char rtnval = 0; if (kbport != -1) { read(kbport,&ch,1); if (ch == 27 && posix_kbhit()) { read(kbport,&ch,1); if (ch == 91 && posix_kbhit()) { do { numread = read(kbport,&ch,1); if ((numread == 1) && (ch != 126)) { extended_key_length++; extended_key = (char *) realloc(extended_key,extended_key_length + 1); extended_key[extended_key_length - 1] = ch; /* Set the last element to zero */ extended_key[extended_key_length] = 0; } } while ((numread == 1) && (ch != 126)); ch = (char) atoi(extended_key); free(extended_key); *dst = ch; rtnval = 1; /* Extended key found */ } else { *dst = ch; rtnval = 0; } } else if (ch == 127) /* Backspace */ { *dst = 8; /* Return ^H */ rtnval = 0; } else { *dst = ch; rtnval = 0; /* Not a funckey */ } } return(rtnval); } struct termio *posix_get_termsettings(char *devname) { int port = 0; struct termio *rtnval = NULL; if (devname != (char *) NULL) { port = open(devname,O_RDONLY); if (port > -1) { rtnval = (struct termio *) malloc(sizeof(struct termio)); if (rtnval != (struct termio *) NULL) { if (tcgetattr(port,rtnval) == -1) { free(rtnval); rtnval = (struct termio *) NULL; } } close(port); } } return(rtnval); } int posix_set_termsettings(char *devname, struct termio *termio) { int port = 0; int rtnval = 0; if (devname != (char *) NULL) { port = open(devname,O_RDWR); if (port > -1) { if (tcsetattr(port,TCSANOW,termio) != -1) { rtnval = 1; } close(port); } } return(rtnval); } char *posix_console_name(void) { return(ctermid(NULL)); } void Sleep(int msec) { usleep(msec*1000); return; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int myport = 0; struct termios *settings = NULL; char key = 0, funckey = 0, done = 0, inchar = 0; if (argc > 1) { myport = posix_com_open(argv[1],9600,'N',8,1,0); settings = posix_get_termsettings(posix_console_name()); if (myport != -1) { while (!done) { if (posix_com_dataready(myport)) { if (posix_com_read(myport,&inchar)) { if (isprint(inchar)) printf("%c",inchar); else printf("<%03d>",inchar); fflush(stdout); } } if (posix_kbhit()) { funckey = posix_getkey(&key); done = ((key == 27) && (!funckey)); if (!done) posix_com_write(myport,key); } } posix_set_termsettings(posix_console_name(),settings); } } else printf("\nUsage: %s \n\nWhere has the format '/dev/com1'\n",argv[0]); } -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? 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