Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 17:10:26 +0000 From: Georg Fusz Organization: Techn.University Berlin X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (WinNT; U) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: crussell AT uabmc DOT edu CC: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Subject: Re: request sample makefile for g77 References: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67" --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are 2 Makefiles and an include file. If you need more help please let me know it. "Charles D. Russell" wrote: > > I would greatly appreciate a sample makefile for a g77 project that includes > a static link library, along with any environment variables that must be > changed from their default values. I can't get make to pay attention to my > FFLAGS, and will probably have more problems before I have a working > makefile, so that having an example would save me a lot of fooling around. > If this is an inappropriate request for this group, please let me know. I'm > sending from hotmail, since there were complaints about the format from our > institutional mail handler after my last message. (Which is Groupwise; > administrators like it because they can see if we are opening the mail they > send us.) > _________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > -- > Want to unsubscribe from this list? > Check out: -- Georg Fusz Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany Fon: Uni.: +49 30 314 26 884 privat: +49 30 815 30 32 Handy: +49 173 20 10 696 Homepage: --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Makefile" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Makefile" # $Id: Makefile,v 3.1 2001/02/15 19:40:45 fusz Exp fusz $ VPATH = .. include ../GnuF.mak prog_name = ../AP_IsoLine.exe all: $(prog_name) objects = \ hb_build_curves.o \ hb_color.o \ hb_color_rb.o \ hb_curveratureH.o \ hb_edge_curves.o \ hb_init.o \ hb_init_aps.o \ hb_init_plot.o \ hb_iso_lines.o \ hb_main.o \ hp_plot_curves.o \ hb_plot_intersection.o \ hb_plot_many_int.o \ hb_plot_single_cuts.o $(prog_name) : $(objects) $(makefiles) $(libraries) g77 -g -o $@ $(objects) $(libraries) include $(objects:.o=.d) --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Makefile" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Makefile" # $Id: Makefile,v 2.1 2000/09/20 13:47:26 fusz Exp $ lib_name = libsurfCone.a include ../GnuF.mak all: $(lib_name) objects = \ lo_cone_def.o \ lo_cone_init.o \ lo_cone_main.o $(lib_name): $(objects) $(makefiles) ar -r $(lib_name) $(objects) include $(objects:.o=.d) --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67 Content-Type: application/x-unknown-content-type-FMA000_runemacs; name="GnuF.mak" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="GnuF.mak" IyAtKi1NYWtlZmlsZS0qLQ0KDQojICRJZDogR251Ri5tYWssdiAxLjQgMjAwMC8xMS8xMCAy MjozNjo0OSBmdXN6IEV4cCAkDQoNCkZDID0gZzc3DQpjb21wX2ZsYWdzID0gLWcgLWZzb3Vy Y2UtY2FzZS1wcmVzZXJ2ZSAtTyAtV2FsbCAtV2ltcGxpY2l0IC1XZXJyb3INCg0KJS5vOiAl LkYNCgkgJChGQykgJChjb21wX2ZsYWdzKSAtSS4uL0luY2x1ZGUgLWMgLW8gJEAgJDwNCg0K DQolLmQ6ICUuRg0KCSQoU0hFTEwpIC1lYyAnJChGQykgLUkuLi9JbmNsdWRlIC1NTSAkPCBc DQoJfCBzZWQgJ1wnJ3MvJCouRi5vLyQqLm8gJEAvZydcJycgPiAkQCcNCg0KbWFrZWZpbGVz ID0gLi4vR251Ri5tYWsgTWFrZWZpbGUNCg0KbGlicmFyaWVzID0gIFwNCgkuLi9MaWJTdXJm Q29uZS9saWJTdXJmQ29uZS5hIFwNCgkuLi9MaWJTdXJmS3J1cHBhL2xpYlN1cmZLcnVwcGEu YSBcDQoJLi4vTGliU3VyZlp5bGluZGVyL2xpYlN1cmZaeWxpbmRlci5hIFwNCgkuLi9saWJT dXJmUHJvcGVsbGVyL2xpYlN1cmZQcm9wZWxsZXIuYSBcDQoJLi4vTGliU3VyZlNpbmdsZS9s aWJTdXJmU2luZ2xlLmEgXA0KCS4uL0xpYlByb3BlbGxlci9saWJQcm9wZWxsZXIuYSBcDQoJ Li4vTGliU3VyZmFjZS9saWJTdXJmYWNlLmEgXA0KCS4uL0xpYkFwc0ludGVyZmFjZS9saWJB cHNJbnRlcmZhY2UuYSBcDQoJRDovQV9MaWIvbGliQlNOb3J3YXkuYSBcDQoJRDovQV9MaWIv bGliVXRpbHNGb3IuYSANCg0KdXNfbGlicmFyaWVzID0gIFwNCgkuLi9MaWJEcmF3L2xpYkRy YXcuYSBcDQoJLi4vTGliQW5nbGUvbGliQW5nbGUuYSBcDQoJLi4vTGliUHJvcGVsbGVyL2xp YlByb3BlbGxlci5hIFwNCgkuLi9MaWJTdXJmYWNlL2xpYlN1cmZhY2UuYSBcDQoJLi4vTGli QXBzSW50ZXJmYWNlL2xpYkFwc0ludGVyZmFjZS5hIFwNCglEOi9BX0xpYi9saWJCU05vcndh eS5hIFwNCglEOi9BX0xpYi9saWJVdGlsc0Zvci5hIA0KDQo= --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out: --------------ADE1050DD985CD01DE1F8E67--