Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com From: "Soren Andersen" To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 14:30:19 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=Message-Boundary-28538 Subject: Quick setup script "" Reply-to: soren AT wonderstorm DOT com Message-ID: <3A572BFB.9421.2D1FE764@localhost> In-reply-to: X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c) --Message-Boundary-28538 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body Hello, I spent quite a bit of the recent holiday season setting up the latest Cygwin on several systems (one Win98, one Win95, one WinNT) since it is much more fun to work with now, that so much great effort has resulted in fewer bugs. Playing (*laziness*). I noticed that I wanted to have a fast way to just mount every logical drive on each system to it's appropriate POSIX mount point ('X:' to '/x') and that, being the incredibly *impatient* hacker I am, I disliked the repetitious nature of that task when done manually. Since I tend to have Perl installed on every system I can get my hands on for even a few moments (*hubris*), I cooked up a little Perl script to make this automatic. What it doesn't yet do is check for existing mounts and `umount' them before re-mounting anything (or skip them entirely). That's a future To-Do refinement. This is just a rough script but I thought maybe somebody would want to use it especially on a brand-new Cygwin installation. One problem, however: the script uses a Perl module that isn't standard: Win32::API. It's on CPAN and at (on that site is a PPM package to make it an easy install to ActivePerl -- *laziness*). But when I ran the script from Cygwin bash the perl process faulted (memory access violation I think). So, *don't run it in bash* but rather from cmd.exe (or if you must use that brain-damaged shell*). I think it likely that a Win32::API compiled for a Cygwin Perl might not have this problem, but I don't know quite enough of these matters for that to be more than a speculation at this time. As a matter of fact, I would love to know if anyone else gets Win32::API -- a really powerful module to access arbitrary Win32 API calls from system DLLs -- built from source using Cygwin or MinGW. I have attached the script to this message, since it is relative short. Best, soren andersen * When you aren't using Cygwin. P.S. "Why `'?" Aww come ON! "mounting"(as in hunting trophies or monster trout) -> taxidermy, get it? --Message-Boundary-28538 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-disposition: inline Content-description: Attachment information. The following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. If you are using Pegasus Mail, or any another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. ---- File information ----------- File: Date: 6 Jan 2001, 14:25 Size: 1796 bytes. Type: Binary --Message-Boundary-28538 Content-type: Application/Octet-stream; name=""; type=Binary Content-disposition: attachment; filename="" Content-transfer-encoding: BASE64 IyFwZXJsIC13CgojIFBlcmwgcHJvZ3JhbSBDb3B5cmlnaHQgKGMpMjAwMSBTb3JlbiBBbmRl cnNlbgojICAgICBlLW1haWw6ICAgIDxsaWJlcnRhZG9yQGZsYXNobWFpbC5jb20+CiMgIExp Y2Vuc2luZzogUGVybCBBcnRpc3RpYyBMaWNlbnNlLgojICBML00gMS82LzAxIDQ6MDkgQU0K IyAgcmVxdWlyZXMgQ3lnd2luIDEuMSBvciBsYXRlciwgbWF5YmUgLS0gaGFzIG5vdCBiZWVu CiMgIHRlc3RlZCBvbiBlYXJsaWVyIEN5Z3dpbiB2ZXJzaW9ucy4gYG1vdW50JyBhbmQgYGN5 Z3BhdGgnCiMgIG11c3QgYmUgaW4geW91ciBQQVRIIG9yIGZ1bGx5IHF1YWxpZmllZCBieSBo YW5kLWVkaXRpbmcKIyAgdGhpcyBzY3JpcHQuCgp1c2UgV2luMzI6OkFQSTsKdXNlIEdldG9w dDo6U3RkOwp1c2Ugc3RyaWN0OwoKdXNlIHZhcnMgcXdbICRvcHRfbiAkb3B0X2YgJG9wdF90 ICRzcnQgXTsKc3ViIERyaXZlc0luVXNlOwoKIyAgfn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn4KIyAgT3B0aW9uczoKIyAgICAgIC1uCQlkcnktcnVu IG9ubHkKIyAgICAgIC1mCQltb3VudCBmbG9wcHkgZHJpdmVzIHRvbwojICAgICAgLXQJCWp1 c3Qgc2VlIGV4aXN0aW5nIG1vdW50IHBvaW50cyBhbmQgZXhpdAoKIGdldG9wdHMoICduZnQn ICk7ICAgJHNydCA9IDA7CgojICB+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fgoKIGlmICgkb3B0X3QpICAgewoJIG15ICRyY2QgPSBzeXN0ZW0oIm1v dW50Iik7CgkgZXhpdCAwOwogfQpteSAkZmxvcHBpZXMgPSAoJG9wdF9mKT8gJzAnIDogJ1th LWJdJzsKbXkgJGN5Z3ByZnggID0gam9pbiBxW10sIGdyZXAoIC9cL1thLXpdKy9pLAogICAg ICAgICBgbW91bnQgLS1zaG93LWN5Z2RyaXZlLXByZWZpeGVzYCApOwpjaG9tcCAkY3lncHJm eDsKJGN5Z3ByZnggPX5zQF4oL1thLXpdKykuK0AkMUA7Cm15ICRjeWdkcml2ZSA9IGBjeWdw YXRoIC1wYXcgJGN5Z3ByZnhgOwpjaG9tcCAkY3lnZHJpdmU7CiggJGN5Z2RyaXZlID1+c0Be KFtBLVpdKSBcOiAuKkAkMUB4aSApIG9yIGRpZSBxcVtDYXJlZnVsLCBuZWVkIGdvb2QgYGN5 Z2RyaXZlJy5cbl07CgogZm9yIChEcml2ZXNJblVzZSgpKSB7CiAgbmV4dCBpZiAvKD86JGN5 Z2RyaXZlIHwgJGZsb3BwaWVzKS94aTsKICBwcmludGYocXFbICAlMS4zczogIG1vdW50aW5n IHRvICUyLjRzXG5dLCAkXywgcVsvXS4gbGMpOwogKCAkc3J0ID0gc3lzdGVtKCAibW91bnQg LWIgLXMgLWYiLCAkXyAuIjoiLCIvIi4gbGMgKSApIHVubGVzcyAkb3B0X247CiAgd2FybiBx cVtcbiBUcm91YmxlIG1ha2luZyB0aGUgbW91bnRlZCBkcml2ZSB3aXRoICRfIC0gXSAuCiAg cXFbcmV0IGNvZGUgbm90IHplcm86ICRzcnRcbiAkIV0gaWYgJHNydDsKIH0KCgogIyBmcm9t ICJXaW4zMjo6RHJpdmVJbmZvLnBtIHZlciAwLjAzIiBieSBNaWtlIEJsYXplcgojPT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09CnN1YiBEcml2ZXNJblVzZSAgIHsKIz09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQpubyBzdHJpY3QgJ3N1YnMnOwogICBteSAoQGRyLCAkaSk7CiAg IG15ICRoID0gbmV3IFdpbjMyOjpBUEkoImtlcm5lbDMyIiwgIkdldExvZ2ljYWxEcml2ZXMi LCBbXSwgTik7CiAgIHJldHVybiB1bmRlZiB1bmxlc3MgJGggPX4vV2luMzI6OkFQSS9pOwog ICBteSAkYml0bWFzayA9ICRoLT5DYWxsKCk7CiAgICBmb3IgJGkoMC4uMjUpIHsKICAgICAg IHB1c2ggKEBkciwgKEEuLlopWyRpXSkgaWYgJGJpdG1hc2sgJiAyKiokaTsKICAgIH0KICAg cmV0dXJuIEBkcjsKfQo= --Message-Boundary-28538 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? 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