Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: cygwin-owner AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 18:09:00 +0200 From: MORB Organization: Etranges Libellules X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.73 [en] (Win98; U) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com Subject: Re: [BUG] Multi-line macros in gcc broken with CR/LF References: <20001012130924 DOT 16915 DOT qmail AT web115 DOT yahoomail DOT com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Earnie Boyd wrote: > > And what would you expect GCC to do on UNIX if the file contained a \r\n line > ending? When installing you've obviously chosen that you wanted to use UNIX > style line endings. Since you've chosen you wanted to UNIX style line endings > then you *must* use UNIX style line endings. But i do want to use unix style line endings. But, I had to apply a patch to the gcc source tree, and it's patch that put CR/LFs in the files it patched. Since I found no way to force patch to avoid to replace CR/LF by LF, and as the docs says that all the tools supplied with cygwin should work properly even with CR/LF, I assume it's a bug. Anyway, I got rid of the problem by reinstalling a version of patch coming from gnu, and not from cygwin. -- Antoine 'MORB' Chavasse / CdBS Software -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com