Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm Sender: cygwin-owner AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: [] didn't use HELO protocol To: Tim Baker cc: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Subject: Re: Hmmm, dllcrt0.o not found In-reply-to: Your message of "Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:40:21 PST." <36EDD2A5 DOT 8CA1690E AT direct DOT ca> Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 02:30:34 -0600 From: Mumit Khan Tim Baker writes: > The gcc "specs" file for B20.1 is looking for a file dllcrt0.o, > but I have no such file! I saw in the mailing list archive that > someone else had the same problem. I have dllcrt1.o and > dllcrt2.o, but they seem to be for Mingw32?! Can someone > send me dllcrt0.o (or tell me where to get it?). I am trying > to link a "cygwin" DLL. > > *startfile: %{mdll: %{!mno-cygwin:dllcrt0%O%s} > Hi Tim, Thanks for the bug report. I'm without a copy of the sources right now, but the *startfile entry looks incorrect! The %{!mno-cygwin:dllcrt0%O%s} should not be there, so you should just remove it (just don't break any lines etc, otherwise the specs parser would choke) and try it. Cygwin doesn't need a dllcrt?.o when creating DLLs. BTW, until DJ's work on ld is released, dllwrap is a good way to create DLLs without mucking with the setup. See my dllhelpers package for examples ( and scan for "howto create DLLs ..."). Regards, Mumit ps: I've changed the list address to the new one from gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com. -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com