Mailing-List: contact cygwin-help AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com; run by ezmlm Sender: cygwin-owner AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Delivered-To: mailing list cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Toby Popenfoose" Organization: RR Donnelley and Sons To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 05:37:47 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Subject: re: ODBC 3.5 with cygwin B20.1 Reply-To: popenfoo DOT toby AT warsaw400 DOT rrd DOT com Cc: montanaro AT crd DOT ge DOT com, busatto AT wi DOT leidenuniv DOT nl, llange AT capgemini DOT fr, tpopenfoose AT juno DOT com, toby DOT popenfoose AT rrd DOT com X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.52) The best developer's guide I have found is: ODBC 3.5 Developer's Guide (McGraw-Hill Series) by Roger Sanders it is quite large, but easy reading and all MS Access examples with ODBC compile for cygwin right off the CD. I went through the whole book in a week. If you do not have the MS ODBC 3.5 DLL's and INCLUDE's yet, the ODBC SDK can be downloaded from: It is over 3.5Mbytes. The questions regarding SQLAllocHandle etc. not being found in the CYGWIN B20.1 release is because that libodbc32.a is from a previous version of ODBC. To update libodbc32.a you need the ODBC 3.5 SDK. After you have installed it, you can find a odbc32.lib in the lib32 directory of the SDK. You can create a .def file to create your own libodbc32.a to use with the new DLL by typing the following command line: nm odbc32.lib | grep "0 T _" | sed s/"00000000 T _"//g > odbc32.def then edit the def file to insert the following two lines as the first two lines in the def file. LIBRARY ODBC32.dll EXPORTS Now type the following command line: dlltool -k -D odbc32.dll -d odbc32.def -l libodbc32.a Move libodbc32.a to your lib path (you can overwrite the one that came with cygwin) and you are ready to go. You can use the same procedure with odbccp32.dll. I have used the following odbc code examples with CYGWIN B20.1 and ODBC 3.5 under Windows NT 4.0. It is not completely polished :) Toby Popenfoose tpopenfoose AT juno DOT com # makefile *********************************************************** .SUFFIXES: .exe .cpp .o all: sql.exe showSources.exe showDrivers.exe showFunctions.exe testSQL.exe testExtSQL.exe sql.exe: sql.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ sql.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showSources.exe: showSources.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showSources.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showDrivers.exe: showDrivers.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showDrivers.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ showFunctions.exe: showFunctions.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ showFunctions.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 $@ testSQL.exe: testSQL.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ testSQL.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 testExtSQL.exe: testExtSQL.o odbcClass.o g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -o $@ testExtSQL.o odbcClass.o -lodbc32 sql.o: odbcClass.h sql.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ sql.cpp showSources.o: odbcClass.h showSources.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showSources.cpp showDrivers.o: odbcClass.h showDrivers.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showDrivers.cpp showFunctions.o: odbcClass.h showFunctions.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ showFunctions.cpp testSQL.o: odbcClass.h testSQL.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ testSQL.cpp testExtSQL.o: odbcClass.h testExtSQL.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ testExtSQL.cpp odbcClass.o: odbcClass.h odbcClass.cpp g++ -DWIN32 -I/odbc35/include -c -o $@ odbcClass.cpp //odbcClass.h ********************************************** #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define STRICT #include #include #include #include int SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue); class odbcClass { public: SQLRETURN returnCode; int keepGoing; odbcClass(); virtual ~odbcClass() = 0; virtual SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue); }; class odbcEnvironment : public odbcClass { public: SQLHANDLE hEnvironment; private: static odbcEnvironment* _instance; protected: odbcEnvironment(); public: ~odbcEnvironment(); static odbcEnvironment* Instance(); void showSources(); void showDrivers(); SQLErrorMessages(char *, SQLRETURN); }; class odbcConnection : public odbcClass { public: SQLHANDLE hConnection; odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; odbcConnection(char *, char *, char *); ~odbcConnection(); SQLErrorMessages(char *, SQLRETURN); }; // odbcClass.cpp ********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" odbcEnvironment* odbcEnvironment::_instance = 0; odbcEnvironment::odbcEnvironment() { returnCode = SQL_SUCCESS; returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hEnvironment); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::SQLAllocHandle", returnCode); if (keepGoing) { /* Set the ODBC version environment attribute */ returnCode = SQLSetEnvAttr (hEnvironment, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER)SQL_OV_ODBC3, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("odbcEnvironment::SQLSetEnvAttr", returnCode); } } odbcEnvironment::~odbcEnvironment() { // if (hConnection != NULL) returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment); SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::SQLFreeHandle", returnCode); } odbcEnvironment* odbcEnvironment::Instance() { if (_instance == 0) _instance = new odbcEnvironment; return _instance; } void odbcEnvironment::showSources() { // Declare The Local Memory Variables SQLCHAR DataSource[31]; SQLCHAR Description[255]; SQLSMALLINT DS_Size; SQLSMALLINT DescSize; // Print The Information Header cout.setf(ios::left); cout.width(24); cout << "Data Source" << "Description (Comment)" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) cout << "-"; cout << endl; // List All ODBC Data Sources Available while (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { // Retrieve A Data Source Name returnCode = SQLDataSources(hEnvironment, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, DataSource, sizeof(DataSource), &DS_Size, Description, sizeof(Description), &DescSize); // Print The Data Source Name Retrieved if (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::showSources", returnCode); cout.setf(ios::left); cout.width(24); cout << DataSource << Description << endl; } } } void odbcEnvironment::showDrivers() { // Declare The Local Memory Variables SQLCHAR DriverDesc[255]; SQLCHAR Attributes[255]; SQLSMALLINT DescSize; SQLSMALLINT AttrSize; int i, j; SQLCHAR Value[50]; // List All ODBC Data Sources Available while (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { // Retrieve Information About A Driver returnCode = SQLDrivers(hEnvironment, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, DriverDesc, sizeof(DriverDesc), &DescSize, Attributes, sizeof(Attributes), &AttrSize); // Print The Driver Description if (returnCode != SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLErrorMessages("odbcEnvironment::showDrivers", returnCode); cout << DriverDesc << endl << endl; // Parse And Print The Driver Attributes for (i = 0, j = 0; i < AttrSize; i++) { Value[j] = Attributes[i]; j++; if (Attributes[i] == '\0') { cout << " " << Value << endl; j = 0; } } } cout << endl; } } odbcEnvironment::SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLRETURN returnValue) { odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages(functionName, SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment, returnValue); } odbcConnection::odbcConnection(char *DSN, char *UID, char *PWD) { returnCode = SQL_SUCCESS; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, theOdbcEnvironment->hEnvironment, &hConnection); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLAllocHandle", returnCode); if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLConnect(hConnection, (SQLCHAR *)DSN, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *)UID, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *)PWD, SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLConnect", returnCode); } if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLSetConnectAttr(hConnection, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLSetConnectAttr", returnCode); } if (keepGoing) { returnCode = SQLSetConnectAttr(hConnection, SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLSetConnectAttr", returnCode); } } odbcConnection::~odbcConnection() { returnCode = SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection, SQL_ROLLBACK); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLEndTran", returnCode); returnCode = SQLDisconnect(hConnection); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLDisconnect", returnCode); returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection); SQLErrorMessages("odbcConnection::SQLFreeHandle", returnCode); } odbcConnection::SQLErrorMessages(char *functionName, SQLRETURN returnValue) { odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages(functionName, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hConnection, returnValue); } odbcClass::odbcClass(){} odbcClass::~odbcClass(){} int odbcClass::SQLErrorMessages (char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue) { SQLINTEGER NativeErr; SQLCHAR SQLState[6]; SQLRETURN errorMessageError; SQLCHAR ErrMsg[255]; SQLSMALLINT ErrMsgLen; SQLINTEGER recordCount; if (returnValue != SQL_SUCCESS) { cerr << "After " << functionName << " and Return Code : "; switch (returnValue) { case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: cerr << "SQL SUCCESS WITH INFO"; break; case SQL_NO_DATA: cerr << "SQL NO DATA"; break; case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: cerr << "SQL INVALID HANDLE ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-"; break; case SQL_NEED_DATA: cerr << "SQL NEED DATA"; break; case SQL_STILL_EXECUTING: cerr << "SQL STILL EXECUTING"; break; case SQL_ERROR: cerr << "SQL ERROR"; break; default: cerr << "INVALID RETURN CODE??? ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-" << endl; return 0; } cerr << endl; if (returnValue != SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { if (SQLGetDiagField (handleType, handle, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &recordCount, SQL_IS_INTEGER, 0) == SQL_SUCCESS) { for (int i = 1; i <= recordCount; i++) { errorMessageError = SQLGetDiagRec (handleType, handle, i, SQLState, &NativeErr, ErrMsg, 255, &ErrMsgLen); cerr << "SQLSTATE : " << SQLState << endl; cerr << ErrMsg << endl; } } } } if (returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS || returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return 1; else return 0; } int SQLErrorMessages (char *functionName, SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLRETURN returnValue) { SQLINTEGER NativeErr; SQLCHAR SQLState[6]; SQLRETURN errorMessageError; SQLCHAR ErrMsg[255]; SQLSMALLINT ErrMsgLen; SQLINTEGER recordCount; if (returnValue != SQL_SUCCESS) { cerr << "After " << functionName << " and Return Code : "; switch (returnValue) { case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: cerr << "SQL SUCCESS WITH INFO"; break; case SQL_NO_DATA: cerr << "SQL NO DATA"; break; case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: cerr << "SQL INVALID HANDLE ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-"; break; case SQL_NEED_DATA: cerr << "SQL NEED DATA"; break; case SQL_STILL_EXECUTING: cerr << "SQL STILL EXECUTING"; break; case SQL_ERROR: cerr << "SQL ERROR"; break; default: cerr << "INVALID RETURN CODE??? ->> PROGRAMMER MISTAKE <<-" << endl; return 0; } cerr << endl; if (returnValue != SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { if (SQLGetDiagField (handleType, handle, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &recordCount, SQL_IS_INTEGER, 0) == SQL_SUCCESS) { for (int i = 1; i <= recordCount; i++) { errorMessageError = SQLGetDiagRec (handleType, handle, i, SQLState, &NativeErr, ErrMsg, 255, &ErrMsgLen); cerr << "SQLSTATE : " << SQLState << endl; cerr << ErrMsg << endl; } } } } if (returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS || returnValue == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return 1; else return 0; } // showDrivers.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" void main(void) { odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); theOdbcEnvironment->showDrivers(); } // showFunctions.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHDBC hdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN returnCode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; SQLUSMALLINT supported; int keepGoing = 1; struct SQLFunctions { SQLUSMALLINT apiFunctionCode; char *apiFunctionName; } sqlFunctions[] = { { SQL_API_SQLALLOCCONNECT, "SQLALLOCCONNECT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCENV, "SQLALLOCENV << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCHANDLE, "SQLALLOCHANDLE" }, { SQL_API_SQLALLOCSTMT, "SQLALLOCSTMT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLBINDCOL, "SQLBINDCOL" }, { SQL_API_SQLBINDPARAMETER, "SQLBINDPARAMETER" }, { SQL_API_SQLBROWSECONNECT, "SQLBROWSECONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLBULKOPERATIONS, "SQLBULKOPERATIONS" }, { SQL_API_SQLCANCEL, "SQLCANCEL" }, { SQL_API_SQLCLOSECURSOR, "SQLCLOSECURSOR" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLATTRIBUTE, "SQLCOLATTRIBUTE" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLATTRIBUTES, "SQLCOLATTRIBUTES << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLUMNPRIVILEGES, "SQLCOLUMNPRIVILEGES" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOLUMNS, "SQLCOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLCONNECT, "SQLCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLCOPYDESC, "SQLCOPYDESC" }, { SQL_API_SQLDATASOURCES, "SQLDATASOURCES" }, { SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBECOL, "SQLDESCRIBECOL" }, { SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBEPARAM, "SQLDESCRIBEPARAM" }, { SQL_API_SQLDISCONNECT, "SQLDISCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLDRIVERCONNECT, "SQLDRIVERCONNECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLDRIVERS, "SQLDRIVERS" }, { SQL_API_SQLENDTRAN, "SQLENDTRAN" }, { SQL_API_SQLERROR, "SQLERROR << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLEXECDIRECT, "SQLEXECDIRECT" }, { SQL_API_SQLEXECUTE, "SQLEXECUTE" }, { SQL_API_SQLEXTENDEDFETCH, "SQLEXTENDEDFETCH << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFETCH, "SQLFETCH" }, { SQL_API_SQLFETCHSCROLL, "SQLFETCHSCROLL" }, { SQL_API_SQLFOREIGNKEYS, "SQLFOREIGNKEYS" }, { SQL_API_SQLFREECONNECT, "SQLFREECONNECT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFREEENV, "SQLFREEENV << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLFREEHANDLE, "SQLFREEHANDLE" }, { SQL_API_SQLFREESTMT, "SQLFREESTMT" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCONNECTATTR, "SQLGETCONNECTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCONNECTOPTION, "SQLGETCONNECTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLGETCURSORNAME, "SQLGETCURSORNAME" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDATA, "SQLGETDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDESCFIELD, "SQLGETDESCFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDESCREC, "SQLGETDESCREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDIAGFIELD, "SQLGETDIAGFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETDIAGREC, "SQLGETDIAGREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETENVATTR, "SQLGETENVATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETFUNCTIONS, "SQLGETFUNCTIONS" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETINFO, "SQLGETINFO" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETSTMTATTR, "SQLGETSTMTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLGETSTMTOPTION, "SQLGETSTMTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLGETTYPEINFO, "SQLGETTYPEINFO" }, { SQL_API_SQLMORERESULTS, "SQLMORERESULTS" }, { SQL_API_SQLNATIVESQL, "SQLNATIVESQL" }, { SQL_API_SQLNUMPARAMS, "SQLNUMPARAMS" }, { SQL_API_SQLNUMRESULTCOLS, "SQLNUMRESULTCOLS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPARAMDATA, "SQLPARAMDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLPARAMOPTIONS, "SQLPARAMOPTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLPREPARE, "SQLPREPARE" }, { SQL_API_SQLPRIMARYKEYS, "SQLPRIMARYKEYS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPROCEDURECOLUMNS, "SQLPROCEDURECOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLPROCEDURES, "SQLPROCEDURES" }, { SQL_API_SQLPUTDATA, "SQLPUTDATA" }, { SQL_API_SQLROWCOUNT, "SQLROWCOUNT" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCONNECTATTR, "SQLSETCONNECTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCONNECTOPTION, "SQLSETCONNECTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETCURSORNAME, "SQLSETCURSORNAME" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETDESCFIELD, "SQLSETDESCFIELD" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETDESCREC, "SQLSETDESCREC" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETENVATTR, "SQLSETENVATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETPARAM, "SQLSETPARAM << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETPOS, "SQLSETPOS" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSCROLLOPTIONS, "SQLSETSCROLLOPTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSTMTATTR, "SQLSETSTMTATTR" }, { SQL_API_SQLSETSTMTOPTION, "SQLSETSTMTOPTION << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS, "SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS" }, { SQL_API_SQLSTATISTICS, "SQLSTATISTICS" }, { SQL_API_SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES, "SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES" }, { SQL_API_SQLTABLES, "SQLTABLES" }, { SQL_API_SQLTRANSACT, "SQLSQLTRANSACT << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, { SQL_API_ALL_FUNCTIONS, "ALL_FUNCTIONS << antiquated 2.0 >> " }, // returns bitmap. (not tested) { SQL_API_ODBC3_ALL_FUNCTIONS, "ODBC3_ALL_FUNCTIONS" } // ditto... (maybe in future) }; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { for (int i = 0; i < 76; i++) { returnCode = SQLGetFunctions(testCon.hConnection, sqlFunctions[i].apiFunctionCode, &supported); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLGetFunctions", SQL_HANDLE_DBC, testCon.hConnection, returnCode); if (keepGoing) { cout << sqlFunctions[i].apiFunctionName << "() is "; if (supported == TRUE) cout << "supported "; else cout << "not supported "; cout << "by the current data source." << endl; } } } return 0; } // showSources.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcClass.h" void main(void) { odbcEnvironment *theOdbcEnvironment; theOdbcEnvironment = odbcEnvironment::Instance(); theOdbcEnvironment->showSources(); } // sql.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHDBC hdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("WAR","tp","t13"); odbcConnection testCon22("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) "SELECT * FROM LDACH00 " "WHERE DWORK > '19980814' ", SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { if (sNumResults > 0) { cout << "7" << " = " << sNumResults << endl; #define NameBufferLength 256 ULONG dept, costc, dwork, mchrs; SQLINTEGER cbdeptID, cbcostcID, cbdworkID, cbmchrsID; SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); if (dataType == SQL_CHAR) { cout << nameBuffer << " = " << dataType << ',' << columnSize << ',' << nameLength << ',' << decimalDigits << endl; } else cout << nameBuffer << " = " << dataType << endl; } SQLBindCol (hstmt, 3, SQL_C_ULONG, &dept, 0, &cbdeptID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 4, SQL_C_ULONG, &costc, 0, &cbcostcID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 7, SQL_C_ULONG, &dwork, 0, &cbdworkID); SQLBindCol (hstmt, 24, SQL_C_ULONG, &mchrs, 0, &cbmchrsID); while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) cout << dept << ", " << costc << ", " << dwork << ", " << mchrs << endl; else break; } } } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // testSQL.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Northwind","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, testCon.hConnection, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { char sqlBuffer[255]; cin.getline(sqlBuffer,255); cout << sqlBuffer << endl << endl; /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) sqlBuffer, SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing && sNumResults > 0) { #define NameBufferLength 255 SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; char *dataArray = new char[NameBufferLength * sNumResults]; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { retcode = SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLDescribeCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { cout << nameBuffer << " , " ; retcode = SQLBindCol (hstmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR, dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength), NameBufferLength, 0); SQLErrorMessages ("SQLBindCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); } } cout << endl; while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLFetch", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { cout << dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength) << " , " ; } cout << endl; } else break; } delete dataArray; } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // testExtSQL.cpp *********************************************** #include "odbcCLass.h" int main (void) { SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT sNumResults; int keepGoing = 1; /* Connect to data source */ odbcConnection testCon("Big1996","",""); if (testCon.keepGoing) { /* Allocate statement handle */ retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, testCon.hConnection, &hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLAllocHandle", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { // char sqlBuffer[255]; //cin.getline(sqlBuffer,255); //cout << sqlBuffer << endl << endl; /* Process data */ retcode = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (unsigned char *) "select djobyr,ncusto,njob,mjob from ldempl", SQL_NTS); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLExecDirect", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { retcode = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &sNumResults); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLNumResultCols", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing && sNumResults > 0) { #define NameBufferLength 255 SQLCHAR nameBuffer[NameBufferLength]; SQLSMALLINT nameLength, dataType, decimalDigits, nullable; SQLUINTEGER columnSize; char *dataArray = new char[NameBufferLength * sNumResults]; for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { retcode = SQLDescribeCol (hstmt, i, nameBuffer, NameBufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLDescribeCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { cout << nameBuffer << " , " ; retcode = SQLBindCol (hstmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR, dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength), NameBufferLength, 0); SQLErrorMessages ("SQLBindCol", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); } } cout << endl; while (TRUE) { retcode = SQLFetch (hstmt); keepGoing = SQLErrorMessages ("SQLFetch", SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, retcode); if (keepGoing) { for (SQLSMALLINT i = 1; i <= sNumResults; i++) { cout << dataArray+((i-1)*NameBufferLength) << " , " ; } cout << endl; } else break; } delete dataArray; } } SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); } SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); } return 0; } // Toby Popenfoose tpopenfoose AT juno DOT com -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com