From: TerryL AT ultimatetechnology DOT com (Lincoln, W. Terry) Subject: RE: uudecode? 21 Jan 1999 21:31:53 -0800 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----" To: John Cooper , "'gnu-win32 mail list'" ------ All, The source code that was submitted uses an uninitialized variable and it will generate garbage on some compilers. See: ------------------------------------------------------cut here: uuencode.c #include #define ENC(c) ((c) ? ((c) & 077) + ' ': '`') static int uuencode(char *nom) /* nom means 'name' in french :-) */ { int ch, n, idx; /* ^^ ** Declaration */ register char *p; char buf[80], outbuf[250]; FILE *in; if ((in = fopen(nom, "rb")) == NULL) return 1; /* please add some error checking/reporting */ printf("begin 0666 %s\n",nom);/* note: no attempt to fake any permissions */ while ((n = fread(buf, 1, 45, in)) != 0) { idx = 0; outbuf[idx++] = ENC(ch); /* ^^ first use. Where is first initialization? */ for (p = buf; n > 0; n -= 3, p += 3) { ch = *p >> 2; ch = ENC(ch); outbuf[idx++] = ch; ch = ((*p << 4) & 060) | ((p[1] >> 4) & 017); ch = ENC(ch); outbuf[idx++] = ch; ch = ((p[1] << 2) & 074) | ((p[2] >> 6) & 03); ch = ENC(ch); outbuf[idx++] = ch; ch = p[2] & 077; ch = ENC(ch); outbuf[idx++] = ch; } outbuf[idx++] = '\n'; outbuf[idx] = 0; printf("%s", outbuf); } printf("%c\nend\n", ENC(0)); fclose(in); return 0; } W. Terry Lincoln \ \ | | / Senior Engineer \ _| |_ Ultimate Technology Corporation \ |_ _| division of Tridex(NASDAQ/trdx) \ | | WTerryLincoln AT engineer DOT com \ / | | \ \ | | ========================================== ~~~ Opinions expressed do not represent the management of UTC. -----Original Message----- From: John Cooper [mailto:John DOT Cooper AT citrix DOT com] Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 2:23 PM To: root Cc: John Cooper; gnu-win32 Subject: Re: uudecode? ---------------------------------------------------- root AT jacob DOT remcomp DOT fr (root) writes: > Let's stop this uuencode/decode discussion. Here are two small little > programs in that old but powerful language we all know somehow. This source simply doesn't work for me - it generates all sorts of different characters at the beginning of encoded lines, rather than the "M" that I see with most uuencoders. I finally pulled over the sharutils-4.2 source, got that to build under NT and then carefully enabled (or disabled) the binary flag on the fopen calls. It now seems to work fine - without mucking with mounts or using bash (I prefer zsh). Thanks for all the ideas... --- John - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help". [[ WARREN~1.VCF : 3851 in WARREN~1.VCF ]] ------ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="WARREN~1.VCF" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="WARREN~1.VCF" QkVHSU46VkNBUkQNClZFUlNJT046Mi4xDQpOOkxpbmNvbG47V2FycmVuOztNci47DQpGTjpXY XJyZW4gVGVycnkgTGluY29sbiAoRS1tYWlsKQ0KT1JHOlVUQztFbmdpbmVlcmluZw0KVElUTE U6U2VuaW9yIEVuZ2luZWVyDQpURUw7V09SSztWT0lDRTooNzE2KSA5MjQtOTUwMA0KVEVMO0h PTUU7Vk9JQ0U6KDcxNikgMzc3LTM5NTkNClRFTDtDRUxMO1ZPSUNFOig3MTYpIDI2MS0zOTU5 DQpURUw7Q0FSO1ZPSUNFOg0KVEVMO1dPUks7RkFYOig3MTYpIDkyNC0xNDM0DQpBRFI7V09SS zo7VmljdG9yOzEwMCBSYXdzb24gUm9hZDtWaWN0b3I7Tlk7MTQ1NjQtMDAwMDtVbml0ZWQgU3 RhdGVzIG9mIEFtZXJpY2ENCkxBQkVMO1dPUks7RU5DT0RJTkc9UVVPVEVELVBSSU5UQUJMRTp WaWN0b3I9MEQ9MEExMDAgUmF3c29uIFJvYWQ9MEQ9MEFWaWN0b3IsIE5ZIDE0NTY0LTAwMDA9 MEQ9MEFVbml0ZWQgU3RhdGVzIG9mPQ0KIEFtZXJpY2ENCkFEUjtIT01FOjs7MTAwIENvdXJ0c 2hpcmUgTGFuZTtQZW5maWVsZDtOWTsxMDUyNi0yNjc4O1VuaXRlZCBTdGF0ZXMgb2YgQW1lcm ljYQ0KTEFCRUw7SE9NRTtFTkNPRElORz1RVU9URUQtUFJJTlRBQkxFOjEwMCBDb3VydHNoaXJ lIExhbmU9MEQ9MEFQZW5maWVsZCwgTlkgMTA1MjYtMjY3OD0wRD0wQVVuaXRlZCBTdGF0ZXMg b2YgQW1lcmk9DQpjYQ0KRU1BSUw7UFJFRjtNUzpVTFRJTUFURS9VVENQTy9MaW5jb2xuVA0KU kVWOjE5OTkwMTIxVDEzMzYwM1oNCkVORDpWQ0FSRA0K ------ - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".