From: b DOT dautrevaux AT usa DOT net (Bernard DAUTREVAUX) Subject: RE: "specs" related problems 24 Dec 1998 05:13:22 -0800 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: "b DOT dautrevaux AT usa DOT net" To: "'Serguei DACHIAN'" , "gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com" > -----Original Message----- > From: Serguei DACHIAN [SMTP:Serguei DOT Dachian AT univ-lemans DOT fr] > Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 19:08 > To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com > Subject: "specs" related problems > > Hi everybody. > > I have three questions about the "specs" file. Thanks in advance for any > help. > > I.) > At 09:46 23/12/98 -0500, Larry Hall wrote [in part]: > > > > Use CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH for g++. > > > Ok. Thanks a lot, Larry. Now I have set BOTH!!! "C_INCLUDE_PATH" and > "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" environment variables to "/usr/local/include", and so > both gcc and g++ find my include files from "/usr/local/include". But the > question is: can (and how) one do it via "specs" file??? (Just to avoid > setting this additional environment variables.) I have tried to play a bit > with the "specs" file, but I can't figure it out. > > II.) > At 00:54 23/12/98 -0600, Mumit Khan wrote [in part]: > > > > You can pick up libstdc++.a and libiberty.a from: > > > > look for mingw-libs.tar.gz. Put these in some directory and you can > > use -L/path/to/mingw/libs > > > Ok. Thanks a lot, Mumit. Though, I have had to get more that just > "mingw-libs.tar.gz", since I use, for example, math functions, and so I link > with "-lm" and I need the "libm.a". So, I downloaded the whole binary > distribution of mingw, took all the "lib*.a" files from it, and put them in > the directory "/usr/local/libmingw". Now compiling/linking with > "-mno-cygwin -L/usr/local/libmingw" > works fine for me. > > > > or modify specs to include this in the library search path whenever > > mno-cygwin is specified. > > > Ok, this whould be surely a much better (even I'd say the best) solution, > but HOW??? I have tried to play a bit with the "specs" file, but I can't > figure it out. > > III.) > And finally a genreal guestion. What is the general syntax, possible > options, possible values, etc. for the "specs file??? Is this documented > somewhere??? > I have searched in FAQ and in the UserGuide, but there is nothing:-((. I think you have to browse through gcc.c source files (not the whole source tree for the compiler, just the source for the executive); I'm never seen any explanation anywhere esle, but please don't hesitate to say me I'm wrong! As an example here is my modified specs file, that look in different files for libraries if you specify -mno-cygwin (and also add a -use-msvcrt flag and appropriate settings to use msvcrt.dll in spite of crtdll, but for that you'll need to recompile the libs with -mno-cygwin AND -use-crtdll) Hope this helps, Bernard > > > Once again, thanks in advance for any help; merry xmas and happy new year to > everybody. > > Serguei. > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Serguei DACHIAN > Laboratoire de Statistique et Processus, > Universite du Maine, Av. Olivier Messiaen > 72085 Le Mans CEDEX 9, FRANCE > Tel. : +33 (0)2 43 83 37 18 > Fax. : +33 (0)2 43 83 35 79 > E-mail : Serguei DOT Dachian AT univ-lemans DOT fr > WWW : > > - > For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to > "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bernard Dautrevaux Microprocess Ingéniérie 97 bis, rue de Colombes 92400 COURBEVOIE FRANCE Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 68 80 80 Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 88 97 85 e-mail: b. dautrevaux AT usa DOT net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin 600 specs M*F%S;3H*"@HJ87-M7V9I;F%L DOT AT H*"BIC<' Z"BUR96UA<" E*&-P<%]C<'4I M("5[<&]S:7 AT Z+41?4$]325A?4T]54D-%?2 E>R%M;F\M8WEG=VEN.BU$7U]# M64=724XS,E]?("U$7U]#64=724Y?7WT@)7MM;F\M8WEG=VEN.BUI6=N=7,O;&]C86PO:6YC;'5D92]M:6YG=S,R?2 M:7-Y&)E M9F]R92 N+B\N+B\N+B\N+B]I-3 AT V+6-Y9W=I;C,R+VEN8VQU9&4O;6EN9W7-T96T@=VEN9&]W6=N=7,O;&]C86PO;&EB+VUI;F=W,S(O;7-V8W)T?2 E>R%U6=W:6XZ+6QC>6=W:6Y]("5[ M;6YO+6-Y9W=I;CHM;&UI;F=W,S(@+6QM;VQD;F%M92 E>R%UW5S92UMVUW:6YD;W=S M.BUL=7-EVUD;&PZ("5[(6UN;RUC>6=W:6XZ9&QL8W)T,"5/)7-]("5[;6YO+6-Y M9W=I;CHE>R%UW5S92UMR%A;G-I.BU$ M:34X-B M1'!E;G1I=6U]( DM1%]?:34X-B M1%]?:34X-E]?("U$7U]P96YT M:75M("U$7U]P96YT:75M7U\*"BIC<'!?-C AT V DOT AT HE>R%A;G-I.BU$:38X-B M M1'!E;G1I=6UPVUC<'4]<&5N=&EU;7!R;SHE*&-P<%\V M.#8I?2 E>R%M8W!U*CHE>R%M-#@V.B5[(6UP96YT:75M*CHE*&-P<%]C<'5? M9&5F875L="E]?7T*"BIC8S%?8W!U DOT AT HE>R%M8W!U*CH@)7MM,S AT V DOT BUM8W!U M/6DS.#8@+6UAVTT.#8Z+6UC<'4]:30X-B M;6%R8V@]:30X-GT@)7MM;F\M M,S AT V DOT BUM8W!U/6DT.#8@+6UAVUN;RUP96YT:75M<')O.BUM8W!U/7!E;G1I=6U]("5[;7!E;G1I=6UP 7