From: timb AT mocmlbpc27 DOT mocom DOT com DOT au (Tim Barbour) Subject: bug in GNU make under Cygwin B20 13 Nov 1998 13:27:13 -0800 Message-ID: Reply-To: timb AT mocom DOT com DOT au To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Hi, Using the following Makefile: %: echo $(MAKECMDGOALS) with the GNU make in the pre-compiled Cygwin B20 developer tools bundle on an NT 4 box, I get: timb AT MOCMLBPC27://i/src/mk/test/MAKECMDGOALS> echo $MAKE_MODE UNIX timb AT MOCMLBPC27://i/src/mk/test/MAKECMDGOALS> make foobie echo timb AT MOCMLBPC27://i/src/mk/test/MAKECMDGOALS> When I use the same Makefile with GNU Make version 3.76.1 under Solaris, it behaves correctly (it should echo "foobie"). It appears that the B20 port of GNU make does not set MAKECMDGOALS correctly (I have not seen it set at all). I have a sophisticated GNU makefile system that works very well for our unix builds, and would like to use it for NT builds also (Visual C++/nmake has some limitations). Needless to say, it relies on MAKECMDGOALS. Has anyone else encountered this problem ? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Tim *********************************************************************** This communication is confidential to MOCOM and is intended for use only by the addressee. MOCOM does not represent that this communication (including any files attached) is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects. MOCOM accepts no responsibility or liability for information, errors or omissions in this communication or use or misuse thereof or any act done or omitted to be done in connection with same. It is the responsibility of any person opening files attached to this communication to scan those files for computer viruses. *********************************************************************** - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".