From: khan AT xraylith DOT wisc DOT edu (Mumit Khan) Subject: Re: egcs-1.1-cygb19: dll exception bug. 6 Oct 1998 13:02:21 -0700 Message-ID: References: <3618B99C DOT 700BEEE8 AT cit DOT org DOT by> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Andrew Lipnitsky Cc: Cygnus Solution GnuWin32 Mail List On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Andrew Lipnitsky wrote: > Hello All! > I have coolview.tar.gz with cygwinb19.dll 07/15/98 and > egcs-1.1-cygb19 (AKA egcs-2.91.57) from > > I have found that exception which was thrown in dll module will > never be caught in main program module. Sigh. Yes, I do know about the problem, and I was being quiet hoping nobody would bring it up ;-) If it makes you feel any better, a few other platforms are affected by this as well (HPUX for example), where throwing exceptions from shared libraries are not caught. It's somewhat low on my priority list, so let's hope someone out there is looking into it. Regards, Mumit - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".