From: mdevos AT cis DOT co DOT za (Mark de Vos) Subject: success with --subsystem,windows and all that: the definitive answer 16 Aug 1998 14:40:57 -0700 Message-ID: <01bdc8fd$bc0a13a0$LocalHost.cygnus.gnu-win32@mark> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Hi Like so many newbies I've been struggling with the "hello windows" programme. Now I've succeeded and I'd like to give this group some feedback. Hopefully it will go into the archives and do somebody else some good. - I've had problems with undefined references to various windows API tools. I'd get stuff like "undefined reference to CreateWindow AT 48...... The problem here was that I was not linking to the correct libraries. After searching the archives I linked to -luser32 and to -lgdi32 -Then came the problem that the MSDOS window would show up each time I ran the programme. The solution to that lay in using the -ssubsystem, windows tag. Unfortunately, that command line didn't work and the compiler made excuses about "unrecognised command", "invalid option" and even "no such directory". I searched the archives and came up with some answers. The -ssubsystem thingy is a TYPO! Wierd thing was that the same people who recognised the typo, included their own typos in their errata messages. Eventually I managed to iron the whole thing out: there were spaces in the wrong places. Here is what I came up with( Where "l" is a lower-case "L") gcc -o hello.exe hello.cpp -luser32 -lgdi32 -Wl,--subsystem,windows Just to ensure that there is no confusion about the letters, here is the upper-case version of the above command. comments will appear between square brackets. I'm fussing about the spacing because that was what snookered me. GCC -O HELLO.EXE HELLO.CPP -LUSER32 [SINGLE SPACE] -LGDI32 [SINGLE SPACE] -WL, [NOTE NO SPACE AT ALL] --SUBSYSTEM, [NOTE: NO SPACE AT ALL] WINDOWS. I still haven't solved the -mwindows problem which I posted in my last letter to the list, but at least I can continue now. Thanks a stack to everybody on the list. And a hint to others: search those archives; they're very useful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark de Vos freelance writer mdevos AT cis DOT co DOT za - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".