From: andy AT accrue DOT com (Andrew Sharp) Subject: Re: is there a ide ever coming out for gnu-win32 4 Aug 1998 05:10:03 -0700 Message-ID: <> References: <01bdbaa2$b19bfbe0$LocalHost AT yaboo> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Stanislav Sinyagin wrote: > > Joseph Sirucka wrote: > JS> hi > > JS> is there some sort of gui/ide coming or in the works for gnu-win32. > > JS> just asking. this command line stuff just being just new is taking a bit use > JS> to learn. may write one in java. > > One of the main purposes of cygwin32 is creation of UNIX-like > environment. As you might know, command line interface is the most > powerful tool of UNIX. Of course, there are graphics interfaces for > UNIX, but they do some general tasks. Command line remains the most > sharp and beautiful interface. Especially with such modern cute things > like bash or tcsh. Working more on UNIX, you'd understand. Heh. ~:^) If that answer doesn't satisfy you, how about VIM, and what about xxgdb which comes with cygnus stuff? I think it's pretty cool considering what it is (the tcl/Tk version of xxgdb, running on cygnus' port of those things to win32...amazing), and I actually have better luck getting functionality to work using that than I do the command line gdb. vim does a pretty good job out of the box on things like edit-compile-[run]-edit loops, putting your cursor right onto the line that had the compiler error. And of course, it can be taught to work with any compiler, any language as long as vim can find the output/error messages. And vim does pseudo fancy colors/syntax parsing for some thirty syntaxes, even some pretty weird ones. Hey, they have a syntax parser for Prolog. Say no more. Of course, there is a version of gnu-emacs that has much or more of these same features...and has been around a while longer too. Vim also has a VERY handy feature called include searches. You can search for a rexp, or a keyword, or a keyword as function, not just in the editor buffer, but in all the files that are "included" by that file (and all the files they include -- recursive) as well. Pretty handy for finding that stupid macro that you just can't remember where it's defined. And again, these features work not just for C, but for any "include" syntax you can write a rexp to define. I find it invaluable for Perl development, not just on NT. And yes, it will edit binary files and convert your C file to HTML for pretty viewing with a browser. What, you say you want something to help you do your GUI interfaces? See Stan's well written paragraph above. ~:^) a - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".