From: Brown AT sw DOT mke DOT etn DOT com (Marcus Brown) Subject: i586-linux-pc -> i386-mingw32 [One man's porting experience] 31 Jul 1998 15:31:22 -0700 Message-ID: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com The other day I attempted to cross-compile egcs (1.0.2 with patches) with Linux as a host (RedHat 5.1) and mingw32 as a target per Mhumit Khan's instructions. I used the binutils distribution provided with Manhattan's SRPMS (2.9.1) which worked fine. However after confguring and compiling egcs I kept recieving an error when it came time to compile objc. A few header files from objc (runtime.h and objc-api.h) were attempting to include stdio.h and ctype.h but I was getting the error "file not found". To fix this I set C_INCLUDE_PATH and OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH to /usr/include and went at it again. This worked at first, but soon after while in the process of "ar"-ing the libgcc2.a library, make bombed because ar (or ranlib don't really remember which) said that it found some garbage characters in an assembler file. Trying to make the best of a situation, I then resorted to just "make install" and believe it or not the whole thing worked perfectly. Even the test programs compiled and ran on NT without a hitch...Has anyone else ever encountered anything strange when trying to do this? TIA Marcus - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".