From: valtul AT demos DOT su (Valery Tulnikov) Subject: Xvnc-3.3.2 for Cygwin32 24 May 1998 20:19:09 -0700 Message-ID: <000001bd8739$b2c60750$> Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="koi8-r" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: "Cygwin List" Cc: "VNC List" I've ported Xvnc-3.3.2 for Cygwin B19 with Egcs-1.0.2. Due to a new Xvnc server based on XFree86-3.3.2 it's ported to Cygwin much easier than the previous version. For binaries and Cygwin specific changes go to my page: With best regards, Valery Tulnikov, valtul AT demos DOT su - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".