From: earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com (Earnie Boyd) Subject: Re: Win95 Lockup's 16 May 1998 06:34:00 -0700 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii To: Morten Skaarup Jensen Cc: gw32 This suggestion is to help prevent the Win95 Lockup's and may or may not work for you, or it may only slow the rate of occurance. 1) Make sure that you get the latest updates, in particular, check Sergey Okhapkin's page ( periodically for new revisions to the cygwinb19.dll. 2) Get rid of all b18 executable and the b18 cygwin.dll. Mixing the b19 and b18 executables will make you headaches worse. Also, have only ONE copy of the cygwinb19.dll on your path. 3) Before starting bash, make sure that the CYGWIN32 environment variable contains "tty". I suggest that you modify the cygnus.bat file to set the CYGWIN32 like so: SET CYGWIN32=tty notitle binmode 4) If you ever do ^C then exit bash and the process before executing anything else. Based on MS documentation the ^C creates a thread to handle the ^C. We know that the cygwinb19.dll is not thread safe. Therefore, it is best to get rid of the process with the unsafe thread. (Someone said that this doesn't happen with the cygwinb19.dll; however, since it is incorporated into Win32 I don't see how it can be prevented; especially on Win95.) - \\||// ---o0O0--Earnie--0O0o---- --earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com-- ------ooo0O--O0ooo------- Please, research your question via the Searchable Mail Archives first. (Searchable Mail Archives) Check out these great gnu-win32 related sites: (ftp site) (Comercial Page) (Project Page) (HTML Man Pages) (Sergey Okhapkin) (Sergey's ftp site) (Colin Peters - Mingw32) (Mumit Khan) (Jeremy Bettis - mirror) (Chuck Bogorad's ports) (GNU-Win32 Bash Configuration) (Rob Warner - software ports) (Andy Piper - ports) (Christopher Faylor - package ports) (German mirror) (Valery Tulnikov - software ports) (David fox - RPM packages) Help for Win32 Beginners: DISCLAIMER: These links or links from these pages to other sites do not constitute an endorsement of any entities, advertisers, products or services therein. I am not responsible for and do not control or monitor the content of these sites or the accuracy of information found therein. -------------------- IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE ------------------------ You should get the following to update your cygwinb19 package: Sergey Okhapkin's coolview package which contains an updated cygwinb19.dll. (Yes, even if you've already downloaded the b19.1 update from the Cygnus Site). Mumit Khan's compilation of EGCS for the cygwinb19.dll; especially if your using the C++ compiler. The current version of the compiler that comes with the tools has lots of problems that have been fixed with the EGCS version. This is a drop-in replacement for the GCC toolset. URL's are listed above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".