From: John DOT Turner AT pobox DOT com (John A. Turner) Subject: Re: Problem with new-cygwin.dll.gz ? 8 Apr 1998 19:02:30 -0700 Message-ID: <> References: <19980407020151 DOT 11263 DOT rocketmail AT send1c DOT yahoomail DOT com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: gw32 Earnie Boyd wrote: > > The problem with the b19.1 archive is that when the CYGWIN32 variable > is set then bash gives an immediate abort. Sergey has fixed this. Uh, I'm using 19.1 on 95, I have CYGWIN32 set, and bash works fine. Just another data point. -- John A. Turner Blue Sky|VIFX| LANL Personal - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".