From: kevin AT rodin DOT wustl DOT edu (Kevin Ruland) Subject: Re: Problems with call-process-region under Cygwin b19 7 Mar 1998 08:39:10 -0800 Message-ID: <> References: <199803051409 DOT OAA19800 AT shirow DOT long DOT harlequin DOT co DOT uk> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: andrewi AT harlequin DOT co DOT uk (Andrew Innes) Cc: ntemacs-users AT cs DOT washington DOT edu, gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com AndrewI (and company): > > That is, bash definitely inherits the correct handles from Emacs, but is > not passing them (all) on to hexl.exe, apparently because hexl.exe is > not a b19-compiled app. > > I've copied this to the gnu-win32 list, just in case this hasn't been > reported already (I couldn't see it in the mailing list archive). > To test this, I've compiled hexl.c from the emacs-19.34 sources on using the new cygnus b19 gcc. Guess what! hexlify-buffer works like a charm! hexl.c compiled cleanly with no arguments. I can pass on the binary if you'd like. Geoff, it seems that many of the problems: hexlify-buffer, possibly ediff and emerge, are related to this issue with cygnus b19's bash. This might be the proper information to add to the ntemacs faq. You can say something like: "bash from cygnus b19 has difficulty with some applications not compiled with cygnus b19. You might be experiencing problems with hexl, ediff and anything which uses bash to launch a process. There are two ways to fix this: 1. Use cmdproxy or bash from cygnus b18 as the shell. 2. Use diff from cygnus b18 for ediff and use this recompiled hexl.exe." Kevin - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".