From: db AT med-in DOT uni-sb DOT de (Dieter Becker)
Subject: B19, tar and DAT-drive (SCSI)
4 Mar 1998 03:05:40 -0800
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To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com


i want to use gtar (gnu-win B19) for outputting on out DAT-drive.
It is connected via a SCSI-Interface. Is it possible to this?
(NT4.0 SP3)


 Dr. med. dipl.-math Dieter Becker           Tel.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3046
 Medizinische Universitaets- und Poliklinik  Fax.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3043
 Innere Medizin III                         
 D - 66421 Homburg / Saar                    Email: db AT med-in DOT uni-sb DOT de

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