From: zow AT mdbs DOT com (Zow Terry Brugger) Subject: RE: pthreads w/ cygwin32 24 Feb 1998 22:26:51 -0800 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: "zow AT mdbs DOT com" To: "'Tom M. Kroeger'" Cc: "gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com" -----Original Message----- From: Tom M. Kroeger > I have looked at the Pthreads before. Why not try to port those > calls to NT's native threads? Those work. pthreads was the first draft of the POSIX's user level threads standard. Using the POSIX threads native to NT should work, but It is also the name of one of the most widely used user level threading packages. how do I do this within the cgywin32 development environment? Something to watch out for is that NT's threads are kernel level threads. In most applications, this shouldn't make a difference, but there is the possibility that it could, particularly in how they are scheduled, and the fact that kernel threads are more expensive than user threads. If you have a processor intensive program, like simulation software, this could be a critical issue. At the moment, one of my projects is porting a user level threading library (similar to the Pthreads package) from UNIX to NT. One of the issues I'm going to look at is implementation both inside vs. on top of kernel threads. I have not made much progress yet, but when I do, I would be happy to send my results to you. Re: cygwin32 not being thread safe-- should this make a difference for user level threads? This should not make a difference if the user threads are implemented inside of kernel threads and there is only one kernel thread per process. Our thread package was originally developed on UNIX systems long before their libraries were thread-safe. tmk Terry - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".