From: beaker AT teewee DOT demon DOT co DOT uk (Stephen Brown) Subject: Problems trying to compile V using makefile provided. 15 Feb 1998 15:40:45 -0800 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Hello to everyone. I have just started using the gnu-win32 utilities, and have just subscribed to this group, and hope to learn from people alot more experienced with this package than I am. I have been trying to compile V version1.17 under gnu-win32, using a provided make file (below) and get the following error when running make. "no rule to make target 'VAPP.o', needed by '/libV.a'." I've been through the info files for make provided but can't figure out where the error is. The contents of the make file are as follows, and I was hoping that someone could point out where the error is, as I'm not wonderful with complex makes at the moment, and could do with this piece of software working ASAP. V_INCLUDE = ../includew DEFINES = -D_WIN32 C_FLAGS = -O3 -c -include v_gnuwin32_extra.h -I$(V_INCLUDE) $(DEFINES) LIBV = $(LIBRARY_PATH)/libV.a ..SUFFIXES:.o .cpp .h ..cpp.o: $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) $< OBJS = VAPP.o VAWINFO.o VBASEITM.o VBASEWIN.o VBOXLBLC.o VBRUSH.o VBTNCMD.o OBJS += VCANVAS.o VCBTNCMD.o VCHKBOXC.o VCLABELC.o VCMD.o VCMDPANE.o VCMDPRNT.o OBJS += VCMDWIN.o VCOLOR.o VCOMBOC.o VCPDC.o VDEBUG.o VDIALOG.o VFILESEL.o VFONT.o OBJS += VFONTSEL.o VFRAMEC.o VICON.o VLABELC.o VLISTC.o VMEMDC.o VMENU.o VMODALD.o OBJS += VNOTICE.o VPEN.o VPROGRSC.o VRADIOC.o VREPLY.o VSLIDERC.o VSPINC.o VTEXTC.o OBJS += VTEXTCNV.o VTEXTINC.o VTHISLST.o VTIMER.o VUTIL.o VWINDC.o VWINDOW.o OBJS += VWINPRDC.o VWINPRTR.o VYNREPLY.o LIBS = -lcygwin -lcomdlg32 -lkernel32 -luser32 -ladvapi32 -lgdi32 all:$(LIBV) $(LIBV):$(OBJS) ar r $(LIBV) $(OBJS) clean: rm -f *.o - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".