From: kubitron AT cs DOT berkeley DOT edu (John Kubiatowicz) Subject: Beta-19 and configurations.... 5 Feb 1998 00:55:36 -0800 Message-ID: <199802050609.WAA23933.cygnus.gnu-win32@hofmann.CS.Berkeley.EDU> Reply-To: kubitron AT cs DOT berkeley DOT edu To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Howdy. I use gnu-win32 and love it, as far as it goes. However, if Beta-19 is around the corner, could I request the following, which I would consider *really* useful: Could you update the installation process to set up a complete generic directory structure ala the "setup help" links from Sergey? In particular, he seems to mention a lot of things in /usr/local/bin, etc, which are not set up by default. He also mounts filesystems as binary, etc. My ideal would be for the setup process to configure a complete "coolview" like machine if requested (this would be an option, including the option to install over/modify anything that was there before). I must admit the the set of things required to get properly set up is rather large and this seems like knowledge that should be coded in the installation wizzard for new users. I still haven't found the time to work through all of the suggestions out there for configuration, simply because my time is really tight. Note that the ability to change things to be any way someone might want is great, but this assumes a reasonable starting point. I also put in a strong plug for including: 1) A working version of man 2) The remote network set that Sergey put together, including SSH/SSHD. 3) less and tcsh 4) Whatever other tools can be included. I must admit that I have to currently use the AT+T UWIN in addition to GNUWIN to have a useful working environment... --KUBI-- - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".