From: fjh AT cs DOT mu DOT OZ DOT AU (Fergus Henderson) Subject: Re: Linking with -lkernel32 [was: Re: beta18: building gdb gives incomplete import table [and other problems]???] 31 Dec 1997 21:43:03 -0800 Message-ID: <> References: <34A82DA4 DOT 742F3EDD AT cybec DOT com DOT au> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii To: Joao Pedro Sousa Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com On 31-Dec-1997, Joao Pedro Sousa wrote: > At 12:34 31-12-1997 +1100, Fergus Henderson wrote: > >... > >One bug with the linker that has been mentioned on this list previously > >is that if the same library name is mentioned twice on the link line, > >then the linker generates executables that crash. `-lkernel32' is > >linked in by default, so if you mention it explicitly then it will > >get linked in twice, causing the symptoms you observed. > I can't successfully link DLLs (relocatable or non-relocatable) if I don't > include: > -lc -lcygwin -lkernel32 -lc Whether or not you need to specify `-lkernel32' etc. explicitly depends on whether you are using `gcc' to do the link, or whether you are invoking `ld' directly. If you're using `gcc' to do the link, it will pass `-lkernel32' etc., so you don't need to (and in fact must not) specify it yourself. If you're invoking `ld' directly, then yes you do need to specify it explicitly. > If I understand correctly, you use "-lgcc -lcygwin -lkernel32 -lgcc" among > other obvious things. > So, should we, or should we not repeat libs? I think repeating ordinary libraries (e.g. `-lgcc') is OK; I think it is only DLL import libraries (e.g. `-lcygwin' or `-lkernel32') that cause problems if they are linked twice. (However, this is basically just educated guesswork.) -- Fergus Henderson | "I have always known that the pursuit WWW: | of excellence is a lethal habit" PGP: finger fjh AT 128 DOT 250 DOT 37 DOT 3 | -- the last words of T. S. Garp. - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".