From: hgfernan AT usp DOT br Subject: Re: Compiling "V" 1.16 - Specific Instructions? 23 Dec 1997 15:37:33 -0800 Message-ID: <> References: <349FE59A DOT 2098DF17 AT cyberramp DOT net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT To: Richard Henry Wood , gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Cc: hgfernan AT usp DOT br On 23 Dec 97 at 10:23, Richard Henry Wood wrote: > Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 10:23:54 -0600 > From: Richard Henry Wood > To: hgfernan AT usp DOT br > Subject: Re: Compiling "V" 1.16 - Specific Instructions? > Hilton, > > If the address you give is a discussion group, could you please tell me > how one subscribes to it? > > Thanks, > -dick > Hi! Sorry for the incomplete information. I'm quite busy lately. The home of V is Here is more info about V discussion lists got from Please be warned that V is mainly a Unix GUI library; its support to Windows 95/NT is still to be done. People wanting to program for Win95/NT should take a look at wxWindows, at Maybe wxWindows should be added to Cygnus page. HTH ++Hilton --------------------------------------------------------------------- On V mailing lists --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two V mailing lists. The first is a low frequency, announce only list used for announcements of new V releases. To get on that mailing list, mail to vgui AT cs DOT unm DOT edu with ADD as the Subject and your e-mail address in the body. To delete yourself from that mailing list, send to that address with DELETE as the subject, and your e-mail address in the body. There is also a general mailing list served by a standard list server. This list is used by the V community for help, questions, etc. To add yourself to the general V mail list, send mail to vgui-discuss-request AT ringtail DOT hna DOT com DOT au with subscribe vgui-discuss as the body of the message. After you subscribe, you can then post contributions to the list by e-mailing to vgui-discuss AT ringtail DOT hna DOT com DOT au. ------------------- Hilton Fernandes email: hgfernan AT usp DOT br www: (inactive) M. Sc. Student of Parallel Distributed Applications at Escola Politecnica (Polytechic School) University of S. Paulo - Brazil - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".