From: cgf AT bbc DOT com (Christopher Faylor) Subject: Re: looking for cygnus compatible perl 19 Dec 1997 20:57:39 -0800 Message-ID: References: <19971219125959 DOT 13260 DOT qmail AT hotmail DOT com> Reply-To: cgf AT bbc DOT com To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com If you're using my patches and Sergey's coolview, there should be no reason to #ifdef or #define anything. The main problems that people seem to be having are: 1) They extract the perl files, read the README.cygwin, install my patch, and do the operations in the README. Unfortunately, my patch changes the README, so they're following old instructions. 2) They do not extract the perl files to a 'binary' mounted directory and the patch does not proceed correctly. Or, B18 patch screws up so they need to grab and build a new version of patch. 3) Most important: Many people do not have all of the environment variables set up correctly to compile and link C programs. I have had a number of success stories so I am pretty sure that my patch is correct. I think it is just a matter of making sure that the above details have been covered. In article <19971219125959 DOT 13260 DOT qmail AT hotmail DOT com>, Earnie Boyd wrote: >I compiled the Perl package without much ado. When the compiler >complained I either #ifdef'ed or #define'd the problems. Be sure to >look at the configure --help and make a determination about switches. I >did not compile the utilites just perl. > >>From: "Jon S. Jaques" > >>Personally, I can compile a simple file, >>program1.cpp ("hello world") with *g++* but NOT >>gcc (a friend suggested that the file was a >>"plus-plus" and that gcc is not, but I don't >>really know much about either... my primary reason >>for this thing is just to get the new Perl >>compiled on my system to open up some options in >>my Perl programming... one language at a time, ple >>ase! ) >> >>Please, if you have no luck, then lets' continue >>this dialogue-- I'd really like to get this >>resolved. -- cgf AT bbc DOT com "Strange how unreal VMS=>UNIX Solutions Boston Business Computing the real can be." - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".