From: dbe AT wgn DOT net ($Bill Luebkert) Subject: Re: newbie wants vi 12 Dec 1997 04:45:22 -0800 Message-ID: <> References: <34907C11 DOT 3D6771CA AT mvp DOT net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Rick Moll Cc: gnu-win32 Rick Moll wrote: > > Sorry for the newbie question, but I've just got the gnu-win32 tools > installed and I was disappointed that there wasn't any kind of editor. > I'm totally new to all of this, gnu-win32, my WinNT system, and GNU in > general. > > I'm completely lost without a vi; what's the easiest way to get one to > use with the gnu-win32 tools. I understand that there is a "vim". Is > this a vi workalike? If so where's the easiest place to get it, and > will it easily port to the gnu-win32 environment? Try one of these: # win32 # Win32 # VIM 5.0h binary for cygwin32 -- ,-/- __ _ _ $Bill Luebkert (_/ / ) // // DBE Collectibles / ) /--< o // // -/-' /___/_<_