From: vischne AT ibm DOT net-nospam (root) Subject: P. S. on using mingw32 with cygwin32 and doing libslang properly - slw32tty.c [0/1] 2 Dec 1997 15:22:53 -0800 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: message/partial; id="881086061 AT root"; number=1; total=2 To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com Content-Type: multipart/mixed; Boundary="*- Boundary FhypIN3xBe5kvrZF/hr" --*- Boundary FhypIN3xBe5kvrZF/hr Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Attached is a simplified version of slw32tty.c for use with the slang library. P. S. on the simplified slw32tty.c: That `getchar()' in slw32tty.c should read `_getch()', and people using slang on Win32 should get some advice: 1. If you compile slang with libtermcap, libtermcap has to have termcap.c edited so that the code has the _exact_ address of the `termcap' file in file notation that the particular system can follow. Otherwise, slang programs linked using libtermcap will crash. 2. You need to load ansi.sys using your system config.h file. Without ansi.sys, your dos window will have lots of escape sequences printed in it, but no graphics. With ansi.sys, you may get a full-screen window with double-wide characters when you run the worm.exe test program, but it will be in color, and it will do the wormy things. This probably means that autoexec.bat has to have a `set TERM=ansi' and an appropriate `c:\etc\termcap' file with an ansi entry 3. You could get rid of sldostty.c and tell people to use slw32tty.c instead. You could also get rid of the other dos file, and use the file list in modules.unx, minus slunix.c and slutty.c, plus slw32tty.c --*- Boundary FhypIN3xBe5kvrZF/hr - For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".